An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tec

    finish highlighting that quote tec....evidence that suggests truth.....


    I highlighted the whole thing... evidence that suggests truth over evidence that proves truth.

    There is zero evidence to suggest that God sent that tsunami. There is proof that God did not stop the tsunami. How people interpret those things is subjective... though additional evidence might lead a person to conclude one thing over another. I have stated that my evidence is based on the deeds and teachings of Christ - who shows us the nature of God; so that while we may not have all the answers, we can know something about the nature of God and what He will or will not do, and why, by looking at the Image and Truth He sent to us.

    the more I read your 'evidence' the more I come to the conclusion there is no god.

    Now who's making me out to be more than what I am?



  • still thinking
    still thinking have the floor...enjoy...I don't want to read your babble any are but 1 tiny (and I do mean tiny) part of why I am leaning towards believing there is no god...don't let it go to your head.

    I simply state that as my observation on the effect your babble has on me...I will continue my search for whether I believe in god of not...but quite frankly...your mind games and self important beliefs do nothing to help.

    Ps...look at what I wrote again...less-than-clear is what I highlighted. And quite frankly...less than clear is being generous with regards to what you preach.

  • tec

    You accuse me of babble and mind games and self important beliefs. Why don't you e x plain what you mean, because I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't think you're being very fair. I have stated what I believe... you took issue with me not saying 'I don't know', and that is what led to these last many pages. Just a pointless back and forth. I never said I could prove anything. I did in fact state that I could NOT prove anything.

    So I don't know what you're taking issue with. It is my mind that is left confused, especially by your accusations.

    Ps...look at what I wrote again...less-than-clear is what I highlighted. And quite frankly...less than clear is being generous with regards to what you preach.

    Yes, I see. So I misunderstood. Now that you clarified, and I looked at it again, I can see that. I can also see that this less-than-clear distinction between circumstantial and direct evidence has led to misundertanding between us, just as the quote says that it often does. You say evidence, meaning proof... I say evidence, meaning something a conclusion is based upon... but NOT proof.

    Maybe you could consider that it is a misunderstanding between our discussion, rather than accusing me of playing mind games and babbling on about self important beliefs. I would have given you the benefit of the doubt.



  • still thinking
    still thinking
    I would have given you the benefit of the doubt.

    You would just contiune to spout your unfounded beliefs as though they were is pointless having a conversation like that.

    Most people here seem to be searching, trying to establish what they think and having discussions to learn and share preach.

  • tec

    Well, I have been responding to what others are saying... just as much through facts as you think I state things as fact... so if you think I am preaching, then you must also think so of all those to whom I respond. There's not really any give on this entire thread, from anyone.



  • DoubtingThomas

    Oh, my Godfrey! You just... never mind.

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