I did have honorable intentions as a witness-I really believed it was the truth! That I was indeed serving Jehovah. But I did not see myself as being more zealous than most. I did usually put in above average hours in fs, and did sign up to AP alot-but I never become a regular pioneer nor did I ever want to be an elder or even a MS although the elder studying with me kept trying to push me to.
I had friends in the cong over the years, but not in the last few years I was a witness and at that point my zeal was gone and I was a low hour publisher. But I did not report more hours than I spent in fs. The cong had so many families and cliques- they looked at me as an outsider and I don't think I could have done much to change that.
I had no priveledges at that point either, no longer being asked to even pray at the KH or be w reader. I gave up giving talks on the school.
So I was not under pressure to put in more hours , unless I'm forgetting. But I did not fake my time slips.
But you are right about being a low hour publisher- however, you could fix that by actually going out in fs more!