Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice
by mankkeli 260 Replies latest jw experiences
Found Sheep
Welcome Halo! I think that was the only new one?
I think any Lurkers that reads all 11 pages of this would come to the right conclusion. Unless you are too weak or simple to get on your feet again leaving is better then staying. Only exception is if you are staying for a "time" to get loved ones out. Always knoble in my mind
I thought I'd leave this thread to it's own devices and not comment because a person has got to do what they got to do ultimately!
Manny stated -
Have you thought about the abundant benefit the social setting in the JW organization offers,
Not being rude or confrontational but exactly what ARE these 'abundant' benefits?
doesn it worth pushing all doubts to the background and carrying on?.
Nah. Stuff that!
many are looking at the issue from the standpoint of "false Teaching". Agreed, the teachings are bizzare and control-oriented, but if a person leaves the organization what else?,
Where else will you go? did you mean? My answer to that is wherever you find real truth for yourself. If my house is on fire I don't wait for a better one to come along before I run....and I'll do my best to rescue my family too!
Granted, Such person is free,
Let's leave it there then!
After leaving the watchtower corporation I discovered I was still me after all! I'm not foisting my problems on to an imaginary friend to swing it for me. I take action. I get the job done myself. That is satisfying in itself.
Regards Paolo
Welcome HALO too!
It is like removing 200 pounds of lard from your body. Imagine what would happen if you were 400 pounds--the difficulty you would have dragging it around, the burden it places on you, and it physically constrains you from doing what you want. Now, what if you get up and half of your weight is gone? Suddenly, that burden is gone--you can fit into places you couldn't before, and walking is less tiring.
This is the same as what happens in the witless religion. You are burdened with time constraints. You go to the Kingdumb Hell, a minimum of 5 hours a week is wasted. You do field circus--you waste another 5 hours. You are expected to keep up with reading assignments and prepare for talks, and prepare for calls with questions. You also have suit dry cleanings and extra wear and tear on your car. Money goes into these expenses, plus the donations they continually harass you for. Donations for this, donations for that. There are also rules, many of which are loosely based on the Bible but are more based on local hounders' preferences or some Washtowel article that is out of context from the Bible. These hamper you. You are thus restricted from learning (you are afraid of the Internet and college) and acting (besides time constraints, there are all those stupid rules).
Beyond that, there are phobias you must develop. You are always afraid of those Christmas songs. You see a Christmas tree, enjoy it because it is well executed, and must feel guilt for enjoying a pagan article. There are "bad" songs--usually the ones you most enjoy. "Bad" associations are anyone that is outside the cancer, and those doing less than the "average". You become afraid of your own country--and not just if it's becoming more totalitarian. And there are the unbased rumors that turn into prohibitions--Smurfs, lecithin (blood rumors), and so on.
In addition, you are supposed to pretend to be happy. All the witlesses do is kill your dreams. You are not supposed to do anything that might improve life. You have an idea? They always find a stupid excuse to bash it. You want to do things differently? They always come out with something, usually stupid, against it. And you are still supposed to pretend to be happy.
The witlesses have more than their share of health issues, too. Sleep deprivation, usually because they need to get their damn time in, is common. They eat fast, good-tasting poison for lunch every day to keep their time going as long as possible. Most of their exercise comes in short bursts, and they usually walk slowly to stretch their time. Way too many of them are fat, and in poor general health because of this. About the only ones to get health benefits are those who used to sit behind the couch eating pizzas all day while watching soaps, and now at least get a little exercise in field circus.
No, leaving the religion will not solve all of your problems. It will, however, eliminate some of the excess burdens and restrictions. It will not make you rich--but you are not constrained against doing something about it or forced to waste resources on congregation responsibilities once you leave. Leaving will not make you luckier--if Jehovah is determined to keep things away from you, that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag will do it whether or not you remain a witless. However, leaving may eliminate one barrier towards doing something. It will not make you healthier, but it will eliminate some of the things that were contributing to health problems. It will not cure depression, but it will eliminate one possible cause. Besides, you will no longer be rewarding Jehovah Baghead for creating problems for you.
I think mankelli is clearly in the bargaining phase of his greiving process. He read COC, and is having trouble handling the fact that he has been lied to his whole life. So we comes here and tried to bargain outloud and then bashes people who have moved on from that phase and are showing him how what he is saying is not reasonable .
good luck guy, i hope you get passed this step. we've all been there, and it gets better.
Solid confirmations in the words here today.
For the most part, our decisions were made with a whole lot of blood sweat and tears.
Not something to be taken lightly.
For instance Jookbeard's post on pg 10. ()
Manny's words are one thing ... at least they stirred us up, and confirmed what is true ... for us!
Maybe 50 yrs of being fed bullsh$t has acutely sensitized me to lies.
I cringe when people are being fooled!
I cringed reading NRFG's posts.
{You had me laughing Miz..You were flawless..
100% bullshit..}
Haven't we had enough of the real stuff?
Haven't we had enough of the real stuff?.....clarity
Yes..But Miz has things he`s trying to work out..
I don`t think he can take much more..
No room for George: Emancipation Proclamation 1863,
all slaves in the territory still at war with the union would
be free. The result of slavery, broken and divided famlies.
No say in political leaders, no voting, no sitting in the back
of the bus. So now you are going from one slave master
to one that is as devastating as the last. No freedom
my friend. At least we had the freedom as slaves to
do as we please in the bedroom. Compare slavery in
1800,s with the freedom you have today as JW.
NRFG: "I promise you, you'll feel similar to a frightened child who feels comforted by the bosoms of a short and stout, yet busty Polish woman."
I wouldn't know what THAT feels like, but every night I take comfort in the ample bosoms of a short petite Hungarian! Today I may not wait for it to get dark ...