Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?. Lurkers think twice

by mankkeli 260 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sizemik
    my pure motive is to keep lurkers away from information intended to undermine the credibility of the borg. . . . mankelli

    . . . Information intended to undermine what? What credibility do they have exactly? They are totally dishonest. There's nothiing to undermine except the lies they tell. The great majority here have been adversely effected, some severely, by them. The info posted hear is simply their truthful account. Many of the lies are exposed using there own literature, references and links provided.

    There is no intent by design to "undermine" anybody, as if there's some sort of conspiracy here. If personal experience and factual, truthful information undermines them, then who's fault is that?

    Most of them have been JW loyal adherents for decades, the scheme and technique that has kept them in up till this moment will surely keep them going. Millions have remained JW till death, many could hardly recount any moment of regret, they wouldnt have even wished to have traded those moment with anything else. If they can do it, we can encourage others to follow suit.

    Freedom to remain is easier to exercise, than the freedom to leave . . . so what? That doesn't make it a better kind of freedom. Nobody get's their memory banks wiped when they leave, but to believe liars and live according to that lie, is not what most are content with. That's why JWN has lurkers . . . they are looking for the truth . . . freedom from the lie. My guess is you will do little to prevent them . . . they're not going to stop reading and learning here on your say so.

  • JAFO

    After reading through all this (and fighting the urge to puke), I find it truly abhorrent that mankelli urges JW's to stay in, simply because things in the real world are (or can be) bad also.

    Since you seem fond of slogans, mankelli, here is one that answers the question "Should I leave the borg?"

    It is better to die on one's feet than live on one's knees!

  • sizemik
    sizemik - I get your point, but dont lets deceive people with the intention that happy times are ahead once you are out of the borg.

    I'm afraid I don't get yours . . .

    How is telling people that life is happier once you are out the borg decieving anyone? It's the truth . . . read the posts here again more slowly this time. Life is never perfect and we all have the challenges common to life . . . but who on earth feels less happy once they've freed themselves of that awful cult? . . . you make no sense to me. If some genuinely feel happier in the cult so be it . . . The beauty of true freedom is that you're free to give it away . . . and you're free to take it back. I would think anyone lurking here is looking to take it back. And they will be happier for it.

  • flipper

    Simple answer. Yes, it has made my life better ! Lurkers, please research the volumes of information on the WT society on the Internet and you'll see why many of us have left and lead happier lives. Don't take Mannkelli's word for it - research yourselves. Peace out to you lurkers , Mr. Flipper

  • Jeffro

    The troll who started this thread would have people believe that it is easy to just swallow a bunch of lies to keep the peace. Not only is this hypocritical, generating anxiety which in turn is detrimental to people's health, but it is also selfish. JWs are expected to preach, that is, to try to convert people to the JW religion. So those who stay in aren't just suffering themselves, but they're also encouraging other people to accept a pack of lies as well.

  • Ucantnome

    "Not only is this hypocritical, generating anxiety which in turn is detrimental to people's health, but it is also selfish. JWs are expected to preach, that is, to try to convert people to the JW religion."

    Jeffro's comment I agree with.

    Preaching something I no longer believed, in regard to the good news spoken of in the bible, I found impossible. So I couldn't engage in the preaching work. I couldn't preach something about God that I didn't believe, if I did it would show my disregard for him.

    Are you sure leaving the JW religion has made your life better?.

    It's difficult to define what you mean by better.

    I lost most of my friends. I'm not any better off financial. I have continually examined why I believe in God and if I've done the right thing.

    To stay I would have had pressure to join in the preaching and could not express my views to others freely as to why I couldn't. I was forced out I think.

    Others who are JW's I think must think about what they believe and teach but as to them leaving and possibly losing faith in God altogether could be worse than staying.

  • AvocadoJake

    This is the fork in the road I have recently come to in my life. How can I go out and tell the World about the love that exist in the Organization, when my worldly family cannot grasp the hatred that exist among JW families I am close to?? JW families that are in good standing, that people look up to, but are filled with hatred? Families that abandon their parents for ten years, while the local elders (Impotent with no spirtual testatarone.) do nothing but fear this JW Soprano family? Should I go out and preach with men who stay at home, while their wives work, so they can preach? Should I seek out news ones to fill them up with guilt, a guilt that "You can always do more than you are doing! If you think you are doing alot, you probably can do more!" I am having issues of welcoming new ones to my nightmare! What about the men and women in the Halls who suffer from depression, after field service come home and drink a twelve pack a beer, and a 1/5th of vodka? Families who filed bankruptcy, who ripped off creditors of a million dollars from living like the "Rich and Famous" on janitor salaries and pioneer (stop working so creditors can't demand anything, judges look at their income, if they are on Welfare and Pioneer, You can't touch them.) What's so attractive of a group of men and woman who are confused in the times we live in. There are brothers and sisters who are lost, feel lost with unmet expectations, who have given up their lives. There are elder brothers and sisters who get lost in 'Rest Homes' where nobody goes and visits them. I know Jehovah does not forget those who love him and lived their life in a way that blesses his name. As for the Modern Worldwide JW Family, how many of you do they remember? The Kingdom Halls are a group of socially awkward men and women who don't know how to act. The stories aboud, how people walk into a Kingdom Hall and nobody comes up and warmly greets a new one. This is not just me, others notice the Wall Weeds that won't detach themselves from their comfort zone to do a 'meet and greet' with new ones. I hope Fred 7777 does not read this post, I don't want to stumble anyone and that is why I must find myself and try to see with my own eyes what the Bible says. I am feeling lost and need to find myself and the elders (I don't blame them all, because it's my responsibility.) have helped me by showing no interest or concern. It makes it that much easier, because the true followers of Jehovah and Jesus are Sheperds who snatch sheep from perils of this world.

  • sizemik
    I am feeling lost and need to find myself . . . AvocadoJake

    It's an uncomfortable place huh? I've only recently emerged from that time. You will find your own path naturally . . . time is a necessary ingredient, so don't try and rush it. Read, if you're into that . . . and just check out the world around you with fresh eyes for a while. It comes together for everyone in time.

    What's so attractive of a group of men and woman who are confused in the times we live in. There are brothers and sisters who are lost, feel lost with unmet expectations, who have given up their lives. There are elder brothers and sisters who get lost in 'Rest Homes' where nobody goes and visits them . . . AvocadoJake

    Sad but true Jake . . . the disappointment runs deep when the light comes on. Add to that what you mentioned above, and it can be a tough time.

    Hang in there.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I for one am absolutely positive leaving the Jehovah's Witness religion has made MY life BETTER !!! 100 %

    The religion I was raised in and practiced for over 40 yrs .did not bring me the degree of happiness ,contentment and peace I now have . I am 50 yrs old and left the JW's only six yrs ago . I have a more open honest relationship now with my mate and children than ever before . As a witness relationships always seemed strained because of presumed 'christian values' over rode true human emotion and feelings . I now am free to accept people for who they are ,not what some publishing company says they should be in order to be my friend .

    Are there difficulties to over come ? Of course there are . Is it worth the pain of losing some so called friends and family in order to gain personal freedom and integrity ??? Yes it is .

    Life is better because I am now free to LIVE my life , no longer is my life dictated to me by a publishing company .

  • Hoffnung

    my pure motive is to keep lurkers away from information intended to undermine the credibility of the borg.

    why should the truth not come out? Is not everybody entitled to know what is really there? What are you afraid of? Knowing the truth will only improve your life and give you the possiblity to make correct decisions in life.

    I am so happy that I got this chance! Life can only improve if you remove a big unnecessary burden in your life.

    to answer your question, as have many others before me:

    I am very sure that leaving the JW religion has made my life and the life of my family better!


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