Are you sure leaving is a wise decision ?- Lurkers think twice- Part 2

by mankkeli 283 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ReallyTrulyAthena
    my aim is simply to turn JW lurkers away from this forum.

    Fail. You probably piqued a few more lurker's interest towards making their exit, just by your posts. Good job!

    They are I am not needed here.

    Fixed it for ya.

  • zoiks

    OUTLAW - That was a comparism. If you are keen about WT's history, why arent you interested in the history of your bank before banking with them?

    True! True! Both the WTS and the bank are out to make a profit off of each and every one of us. But only one of them will admit it, while the other claims to be guided by holy spirit. Exactly the same! Brilliant, Alice! F*cking brilliant!

  • mankkeli

    Bella15- As you contemplate on the divorce rate among the JWs, also count the rates of divorce among the non-JWs and let me know if you wont be shocked at the vast difference

  • mrsjones5

    Someone already post that Manny. Apparently you missed it and it wasn't as shocking as you want it to be.

  • zoiks

    As you contemplate on the divorce rate among the JWs, also count the rates of divorce among the non-JWs and let me know if you wont be shocked at the vast difference

    Nope. Fail. I asked you to cite your sources for this assumption, Alice, waaaaaaaaay back on page 2. No more asking questions till you answer mine.

  • NewChapter

    NewChapter - I'm here to inject some balance into how people rant on the JW organisation, i'm not leaving anywhere, My Part 3 is underway. my aim is simply to turn JW lurkers away from this forum. They are not needed here.

    You are here to inject cult indoctrination and other bullshit into the discussion. You have lowered yourself to using slimy scare tactics and twisted stories to try and intimidate lurkers who are still deciding. You have come here to make them insecure and to question their own strength and intelligence.

    You have come here to disobey the elders, the org, and to flirt with sin. Oh, you're strong enough though, right? You won't sin? Remember David? Are you stronger than David? The borg has told you that you are weak. They speak for God. Weakling. Yet you insist on disobeying. What kind of a witness are you anyway? A weak one? You have been warned. How FUNNY is it that you warn people not to read apostate literature. YOU ARE apostate literature and everyone of your posts is a new chapter. Hypocrite. You simply prove what we already know---the org IS NOT WORTHY OF OBEDIENCE, and you agree. Thank you for agreeing with your actions. Rebel.

    Now leave people be, and go out and knock on doors. At least then they have the option of closing the door in your freaky face.


  • zoiks

    Alice is not a JW.

  • mankkeli

    zoiks - How much were you obliged to pay at the KH every month and How much does your bank charge you monthly on credit card usage, So, tell me who is out to make profit?

  • mrsjones5

    For NC @ Manny: Oh snap!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Divorce!!! Well sure 7,000,000,000 people will have more divorces then 7,000,000

    But as stated I don't think JW's have fantastic mariages!!! Just my observations... They are told (brainwashed) to believe they do....

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