Are you sure leaving is a wise decision ?- Lurkers think twice- Part 2

by mankkeli 283 Replies latest jw experiences

  • isojourn

    haha. Let's compare you to cabbage then. It is all interwoven right?

    No, it's not the same. How can you compare (insert any human name) to a full corporation stating they are the direct voice of God, promising salvation to millions. How can you state that is one in the same? How can you tell me a person can change their mind based on knowledge, that a person can be imperfect. Then say God, (because we are talking about a religion here that is based on GOD and NOT a man, right?) and say the outcome should be the same?

    How can you then turn around and say WE shouldn't question or change OUR minds about the Borg, because it's not healthy. But it is okay for Borg to do it?

  • outsmartthesystem

    Is it just me or is Mankkeli's english getting worse and worse the more he posts?

  • shamus100

    So what's new in the Kingdom Hall.

    Why should I go back?

    I won't call you stupid anymore, Mikkeill. You have been honest with us up to this point, and I thank you for that. Lots of new people joining up or what?

  • outsmartthesystem

    Mankkeli - quit hiding behind your illogical and spontaneous questions and answer the questions I asked you on page 8 of this thread

  • NewChapter

    Tell us about the scandals! Those were always fun.

  • NewChapter

    Is nacho dip still high on the list of favorites at christian gatherings?

  • shamus100

    I'm genuinely interested to see if there are lots of new people joining up.

  • NewChapter

    They come for the dip.

  • ReallyTrulyAthena

    This one is a doozy...

    I want to drive lurkers far away, let them go and deal with their doubt with the elders, not to come here and here all sorts of rantings, complains and contempts. Let them go back to their elders and explain whatever they have in mind not to a place were chances are high they would be more confused than they were.

    So.....'splain to us again how you are not pro-JW? Also - those poor lurkers, were they to go to their elders and share their doubts...most likely, next thing ya know - they'd be in front of a JC so fast, their head would be spinnin' (and who knows - booted out?) Gee, thanks for helping them control a low-key, non-traumatic exit, Mank! You're a peach!

    You must like having Fail for breakfast.

  • 00DAD

    mankkeli: "The majority of those who commented related many beautiful ways their lives have turned out after leaving but they refused to mention how rough and tough the journey to that destination was."

    Are you serious?!? What is your problem? Do you not bother to read the plethora of response you've gotten!!! Your statement above is a complete lie! Many of the responses to your post Part I have openly acknowledged how difficult it is to break away from the bonds of the WTS. For just one example go HERE and read my response to your question directed at me.

    You are definitely in need of some professional help.

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