Are you sure leaving is a wise decision ?- Lurkers think twice- Part 2

by mankkeli 283 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NewChapter

    Bella15- As you contemplate on the divorce rate among the JWs, also count the rates of divorce among the non-JWs and let me know if you wont be shocked at the vast difference

    LOL---Jw's have a higher divorce rate than everyone else. And a much higher divorce rate than atheists. Tee Hee.


  • isojourn

    Ask yourself has JWN remained thesame since 2001?, No, It has changed. What could remain thesame in 133 years?, Please be sincere with yourself, you rightly acknowledge that only change is permanent in life, isnt it?. "Change" is a tool, It is the price we pay for growth and development, So, How should the JW organisation be exempted from utilising this tool?. If it has to grow and develop. It shouldnt be expected to remain stagnant.How do you expect an organization governing the religious activity of about 7million people not respond to changes. You know very well that govt policies, human behaviour and the environment are not static, they respond t change at all times, so you shouldnt expect a multinational corporation to be stationary.

    Do you actually think before you type? JWN is NOT a religion. It doesn't profess to hold the key to everlasting life. It doesn't claim to be the one and only truth. It does not control our every thought and movement. We are not dedicating our lives to a message board. It is a message board, that's it.

    So your comparison is ridiculous. However, JW’s DO profess all of the above mentioned teachings. They tell people to trust them. Because Jehovah directs them with true light through a faithful and discreet slave.

    Comparing God’s ‘light and wisdom’ to be the equivalent of “govt policies, human behaviour and the environment” is absurd. You’re saying that Jehovah is chaotic, unstable and likely to change. So his chosen people must endure these “changes” (read:lies) as well? Really? An 8 year old can see the flawed logic behind this.


    Anything with a human history is flawed.

    Steve Jobs, Hassan, whoever you wish to point out as flawed. Is flawed, because they are human. Another absurd comparison on your part.

    You're comparing men with knowledge/power to men that believe they are God's right hand and are infallible.

    Sadly, your amazing trilogy will only contain the same run around.

  • mankkeli

    NewChapter - I want to drive lurkers far away, let them go and deal with their doubt with the elders, not to come here and here all sorts of rantings, complains and contempts. Let them go back to their elders and explain whatever they have in mind not to a place were chances are high they would be more confused than they were.

  • zoiks

    How much were you obliged to pay at the KH every month and How much does your bank charge you monthly on credit card usage, So, tell me who is out to make profit?

    Hey, there you are, Alice! No, I don't have to answer your questions until you have answered all of mine. You'll find them on page 2. That is right after page 1, but before page 3...don't get lost, now!

  • mrsjones5

    Hm Manny, the longer your thread goes on the longer lurkers get to see how big a fool you are. Hows that working for ya Manny. Looks like a fail to me.

  • outsmartthesystem

    "outsmartthesystem - Ask yourself has JWN remained thesame since 2001?, No, It has changed. What could remain thesame in 133 years?, Please be sincere with yourself, you rightly acknowledge that only change is permanent in life, isnt it?. "Change" is a tool, It is the price we pay for growth and development, So, How should the JW organisation be exempted from utilising this tool?. If it has to grow and develop. It shouldnt be expected to remain stagnant.How do you expect an organization governing the religious activity of about 7million people not respond to changes. You know very well that govt policies, human behaviour and the environment are not static, they respond t change at all times, so you shouldnt expect a multinational corporation to be stationary."

    You didn't acknowledge that their changes in doctrine have indeed hurt people. Please acknowledge this.

    Yes JWN has have corporations, people, circumstances etc. But they all have one thing in common. They don't profess to be directed by God. The Watchtower DOES profess to be directed by God. Did God direct that children should die because of not being able to accept blood fractions?

    Change isn't the problem. I expect the organization to change. I expect them to adopt more automation and less man power. I expect them to release MP3s instead of CDs and tapes. These are the types of changes you should expect anyone to make. "Growth and development" require tangible/operational changes. No one is expecting the borg to be exempt from utilizing these types of changes. You seem to be confusing NECESSARY OPERATIONAL changes with UNNECESSARY DOCTRINAL changes. Why should changes in technology, culture, status, location etc.....also require changes to doctrinal teachings? Tell me why the two should be connected. And you say that government policies, human behavior and the environment are not static....but respond constantly to change. This is true. But they are supposed to. The government is a government FOR the people BY the people. It is designed to change based on the needs of the people. You are trying but failing to compare a democratic way of doing things to the supposedly THEOCRATIC operation of the borg. Unlike a democracy, the borg does not take into consideration the feelings/wants/needs of its subjects when it comes to MAKING DOCTRINAL DECISIONS. The last time I checked, the borg was busy chastising "Christendom" for being more lenient (especially towards gays). In the words of the society, Christendom had, in the name of commercial business, bowed to the demands of their sinful followers. So.....unfortunately for your argument....the society denounces those that change their doctrinal stances based on the changing world around them.

    "multinational corporation" - Exactly. They are a corporation that will do whatever it takes to grow. They are not directed by God

  • mankkeli

    isojourn -What I made were comparisms simply because many things we do in life are interwoven, they are all guided by thesame principle. So such comparism is equally waranted.

    OUTLAW - That was a comparism. If you are keen about WT's history,

    why arent you interested in the history of your bank before banking with them?

    My bank does`nt sell religion..

    My bank doesn`t require me to go to meetings or knock on door to find them new Clients..

    My bank doesn`t tell me how to live..

    My bank doesn`t ask for donations for real estate development..

    Then sell it and keep the money..

    Instead of asking endless stupid questions..Provide proof for your caims..

    You can`t because there isn`t any..

    Your an Idiot..


  • isojourn

    I want to drive lurkers far away, let them go and deal with their doubt with the elders, not to come here and here all sorts of rantings, complains and contempts. Let them go back to their elders and explain whatever they have in mind not to a place were chances are high they would be more confused than they were

    Well. Hate to break it to you... but...

  • mrsjones5

    All comparasions are not good comparasions. Yours was weak and illogical. I can't wait for part 3.

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