A Guest, I could not care less about your approval in reading books.
Of course, dear BOTR (again, peace to you!)...
It seems to me that others are not interested in whether I have your approval or not.
To you, yes...
This was a fun, light hearted thread.
"Fun"? "Light hearted"? Well, I mean, I didn't think it was TOO serious, no, but I certainly did consider it a sober topic. Even so, apparently you took some issue with my response... an so eluded to it in your... well, let's just call it your usual "fun and light hearted" manner.
You know? I'm saying. For the LIFE of me I couldn't figure out why you even needed to go where you did. Nothing in my [initial] response was directed to YOU. I simply responded to the OP which, apparently, got under your skin (though I have absolutely NO clue why, but... well... so much for "fun and light hearted" from YOUR direction...).
Thought: If the NT incident is reported accurately, why did not the soldiers bow down and worship Jesus, singing alleulias.
Why would they have done that? Oh, because they saw him repair the servant's ear? Who said they saw it? Even if they did, surely you recall who they worked for... and what these TOLD those who worked for them TO say... about ALL of this. Yes? I mean, SURELY, in all of your vast reading career (which certainly must include the accounts themselves) you read where people were TOLD what to say about my Lord and what he did, yes? Oh, wait... no... perhaps those are the lone accounts you managed to miss...
This would prevent the resurrection.
Ummmm... what? Oh, you mean if they HAD bowed down and worshipped him? Why? Many of the Jews initially DID so bow down - heck, they lauded him and received him into the city while waving olive branches and lauding him! Yet, ummmmm... where were they after he was arrested... "tried" (before TWO courts, with 3 trips between them)... condemned... and impaled? Where were they when Pilate asked WHO should be impaled, my Lord... or [Jesus] Barabbas? Surely, the answer is there... somewhere in all of your vast reading... so I have NO doubt you know...
What if they were so moved that they threw their old lifes away and decided to become disciples.
What IF? What does what IF have to do with what DID occur... what WAS?
They could have spirited Jesus safely to another land. No Passion. No Resurrection. It is funny, too, that Paul is always cerebral and Peter always hot headed and passionate in film and TV.
What... in the WORLD... does this have to do with this discussion, dear BOTR?
I can't picture Paul telling a joke but he must have.
Or this?
It would be amazing for a time warp to develop as in Star Trek and I could meet the real people.
It would. But if you're trying to be snide as regards THIS matter, I would only say that, since you (and I) CAN'T... why not do the next best thing: ask someone who DID meet the real people... because he was the one they CAME for?
I had many opportunities to meet John Lennon individually and never pressed it.
Okaaayyyy... but forgive if I don't quite give Mr. Lennon the same reverence that I give my Lord. I mean, while I know he was/is a "god" to some people (and, personally, I believe him to have been the greatest songwriter who ever lived... excluding, perhaps, King David, but he had help (holy spirit)... I don't think he would be the person I would look up had I access to time travel. Well, not the first person. Maybe the third (after my Lord as he was at the time... and Mary, his fleshly mother - I would love to meet the woman that the Most Holy One of Israel felt worthy to bear His Son - she must have been a bit extraordinary...). Okay, and after Abraham, Moses, and Adham... in the order. THEN, Mr. Lennon... certainly.
I would rather be a distant fan than a fan who was cursed at.
Not sure what you mean by that... and not really sure I want to, sorry, given this interchange. Just not that curious about it, right now, sorry...
Imagine Jesus or Paul not measuring up to my expectations.
As to Paul, I can imagine that, yes, because you are a woman (he doesn't measure to the expectations of MANY women)... and he was merely a man. No different than you and I; even worse, in some ways, is my understanding. Hence, the purpose of his ministry: to compensate for his bloodguilt.
As to Christ... I don't even get why you included the statement. As to my Lord OR Paul, actually...
Peace to you, BOTR, truly. You took a shot... and I simply tossed it back. Perhaps with a little more "umph" behind it, yes. Happens, sometimes.
A slave of Christ,