Who arrested Jesus and why was Peter not arrested for slicing someone ear.off?

by jam 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    LOL @ Sab.

  • jam

    You folks are hilarious. The poor guy was A slave

    of the high priest. He told his master,( the high priest)

    you do not pay me enough for this job.

  • tec

  • Rocky_Girl

    Maybe Peter was just embellishing the story to the other apostles and got caught exaggerating.

    Peter: "Man, you should have seen me swing that warning shot! It was sweet! Cut the ear right off that guy." Random listener: "you mean that guy? His ear looks fine to me" Peter: "Jesus healed him. Yeah, that's what happened! Jesus was always pushing that love and peace stuff." Random listener: *rolls his eyes* Peter: *walks quickly away*

  • jam

    Rocky girl: My side is hurting. It started off as A

    serious question, did not realize how funny the story

    could become.

  • tec

    This is a great 'all in good fun' thread, Jam. Thank you for the laughter.

    Sidenote... Sab have you ever seen the Incredibles? If you have, then I can only hear the emphasis you've put on 'sweet' in Dash's voice, from the end of the movie. And then I have to put that in our Lord's voice, and it just keeps making me giggle.



  • AGuest
    Peter struck the slave of the high priest, ... Before reading this without the help of the WT. I assume Roman soldiers arrested or seized him. Why because Judas needed to point him out with A kiss.

    My Lord was arrested by the temple guards, those who worked for the priests and Pharisees, dear jam (peace to you!). None of those who ACCUSED him came out to arrest him; they sent their "dogs." The Romans didn't get involved until after his "trial" before the Sanhedrin.

    There were many accounts of what my Lord looked like... none of which were accurate. Because of his "works", some... including the guards who came to arrest him... assumed him tall, strong, strapping, etc. So, when they arrived they didn't see anyone like that... nor did they see the "man" they were used to seeing. Hence, my Lord asked them who they were looking for and when they said him, he stepped up. By THIS time, however, his apppearance had drastically changed: he was already small in statute, but now he was lame, leperous, diseased... and so considered "afflicted" by God. His appearance NOW was SO bad... that the guards fell back when he stepped forward... as it was prophesied they would... because Jews weren't "allowed" to touch anything/anyone "unclean".

    So, THEY'RE thinking was no way THIS guy could be the One they were looking for! What threat was HE... what threat COULD he be, this guy in front of them? THIS is the guy that was going around doing all that stuff, saying all those things? NO way! And so, to cement identifying him... Judas stepped forward and kissed him.

    they could have ask any one of the disciples and they would have finger [Jesus]

    Nope... only Judas... would/did stoop to that...

    look how they ran.

    Which is how Peter avoided arrest. Well, that an later denying my Lord. But his arrest would have been for being in cahoots with my Lord, not cutting of an ear (dear tec - the greatest of love and peace to you! - explained that brilliantly: what ear?).

    I hope this helps and, again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • jam

    When you think about it, that was A hell of A miracle.

    He raise the dead (could have been A coma), heal leprosy

    and the blind. But don,t recall where he reattach someone

    body part.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    A far more impressive feat than killing a fig tree

  • jam

    AGuest: Yes after reading the account I realize it

    was the temple guards, but at John 18;3 " So Judas,

    procuring A band of soldiers and some officers from

    the chief priest and the Pharisees, went there

    with lanterns and torches and weapons. The question,

    who were the soldiers that Judas procured. I don,t

    think the Jews had A army.

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