funny you brought this up tonight :). i had a related discussion about this earlier today.
for a few years i have had plans on getting cosmetic surgery done. from losing and gaining crazy amounts of weight too often and too fast, my tummy pretty messy looking. when i lose weight the skin doesn't tighten up as much any more, therefor leaving a not so nice looking tummy . and to be honest, that's definately a big reason why i totally quit working out and doing anything. anyhow, there's only one way to correct this once i decide to get in shape again, and that would be an abdominoplasty . my reasons are absolutly only for looks. so to me, looks ARE important, but really only for one side of my *i* look and what my bf/gf thinks of me.
i've definately been attracted to people that other's would consider unattractive or someone that i didn't immediately think was my 'type', but i mean it all depends on a lot of things. i find that i am never one to rely on first impression...ever. you know how you can think someone is not very physically attractive at all, but they grow on you once you find out how neat and interesting they are? that happens to me a lot, and that person could end up being the sexiest person i've ever met, just by getting to know them better.
then again, i remember this one girl from highschool. oh god, i was absolutly in love with her. she was so beautiful and perfect. anyhow, i met her at a party one night and we started hanging out, within a month i despised her . she had an awful personality and she was just totally bitchy, this made her completely ugly and unatractive to me in every way.
so it really does depends on many things.
i think appearance is just the initial thing you see in a person, so it is important. but the ultimate connection/love between two people is personality and all that good stuff on the inside...the stuff that really determines someone's beauty.
you're happy cause you smile but how much can you fake...