What if we were blind? Our judgment of people would depend solely on what kind of person they were. We would have no preconceived notions of beauty. Our perception of who they are would be based on what came out of their mouth. How they treated us and others. Much like here.
I kind of like the fact that you get to know someone here before knowing what they look like. And I believe when we are involved with someone who is very good looking, we tend to give them more leeway in a relationship. We "overlook" certain negative traits because...Damn, they just look soooo good!!!!
How many of us have done this? Let things slide that we knew weren't right, or let someone treat us less than what we deserved, because they were beautiful?
We all are guilty of judging people on their appearance. We can't help it. If you were in a cafe, and a short, balding, nattily dressed, overweight man walked in and sat down beside you, what would you think? Would you think to yourself......I would really like to know his "mind?" Would you think.......I bet he's sooooo sensitive. (replace with short, balding, overweight woman for the guys here-hehe)
Probably not. You wouldn't give him a second glance. But, what if he was here on this board, writing intelligent, thought provoking posts? What if this same man (or woman) stirred you like no one else had? What if he was the most kind, generous, loving, person you could ever meet, and was just perfect for you? You'd never know, because you "looked" at him first.
I guess I'm rambling......but this is something I've been thinking about ever since this friend told me about her marriage and how they met online. I truly think now that it's better to "know" someone before you "see" them. Superficial things like looks don't get in the way of getting to really know someone.
If you bury the truth under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.--Emile Zola, J'accuse