Is anybody trying to learn the truth of the bible after leaving JW?

by EndofMysteries 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • zengalileo

    Gotta go with, found out what a waste of time it is to read the Bible. What does it really teach? stupid shit.

  • iCeltic

    I'm sure though that you don't speak for the human race? I'm not being argumentative here. I could say that woman are more prone to mood swings, lack of trust, don't give men room to breathe etc but having never lived with a man and having lived with a few woman that would fall into the 'in my experience' but I'm sure there's plenty of woman who have similar views on men.

    It's all relative to our experience, wouldn't you agree?

    Oh and, Hi N. Drew :)

  • EndofMysteries

    To answer your question N. Drew, I am not female, I'm a man.

  • N.drew

    It is relative. Being spiritual does not mean believing in The God. It means recognizing spirit. In my personal life I am not sure of any men that recognized spirit. There are many women who seem to. But there are many spirits. Men are more practical, which is good. Maybe women have, or have had, more reason to look to the spiritual world.

  • Terry

    The bible is an "exquisite corpse".

    Look that phrase up and think about it.

  • steve2
    I'm saying what the bible really teaches.

    What an interestingly juvenile statement - it's hooked brain-dead people in over the centuries, each follower proclaiming to be on a quest to find out what the Bible "really" teaches or declaring with frightening finality he or she has found out what it really teaches. Good luck on this light-snuffing, heat-creating quest.

    I'd be interested in how anyone could escape the conclusion that what the Bible "really" teaches is such wonderful historical activities as genocide, killing in the name of God, forcing people to comply with God's instructions, instilling sheer terror in people to ensure they keep following you (and that's only the so-called Old testament). The New testament is more subdued in its rampant obsession with blood and gore - but its central teaching is the nailing of a saviour to the cross/stake/whatever and spilling of his blood to save human kind. oh, and let's not forget the sanctimonious tantrums of the newly-converted Paul who loved to spell out how he was "right" and every other person who questioned him was not only wrong but badly motivated (sounds like the Governing Body). Lastly,but not leastly, Revelation proves once and for all that a prerequisite for undying faith in God is a psychotic temperament. Some say the Bible is a message of God's love for human kind - but if you believe that, you're forced to ignore the entire blood-soaked craziness of most of the ill-tempered booksd that came to be called "The Holy Bible".

  • iCeltic

    In your experience.

    In my experience it's the opposite. I'm sure though that in actual fact it probably meets somewhere in the middle.

  • EndofMysteries

    Steve2, the bible could also perhaps be revealing that what everyone thought up till now was God's actions and directions were those of someone else. It's a big possibility.

  • Twitch

    People have been trying to learn the truth of the bible since it was put together. Like any holy tome, much of the message is lost in translation, interpretation and the grime of it's time. And let's not forget that men wrote the thing and that it ain't the only holy book around either.

  • N.drew

    Yes, stinky word though. "exquisite corpse" I think there is another dimension to it that you do not know about. I agree with you though. I takes on what you say to it (I wonder why corpse?) but add the dimension of time, which I believe is not linear, then the Bible (the parts I care about haha) take on the "exquisite" part. It is amazing. But don't take my word for it....

    Call it "shit" you nay sayers, but in the desert shit is a welcome commodity!

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