Here are some scriptures Steve2 to show how it might not be such an 'obvious' message that everything in the bible is from God or all their dealings.
( 2 Samuel 24:1 ) - "Now again the anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and it incited David against them to say, "Go, number Israel and Judah."
( 1 Chronicles 21:1 ) - "Then Satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel." (so who did it, God, Satan or is it saying God is Satan?)
Daniel 4:25 is about what would happen if the king of babylon took credit to himself for amassing a great kingdom, he would become as a beast until he realised that the most high is the "ruler of the kingdom of mankind" and to who he wants to give rulership he does. (So God is who made babylon great?)
Who then was offering Jesus the kingdoms of the earth if he would worship? Was God controllig it as Daniel 4:25 says, or Satan, or were they the same?
Also recall Jesus own words, for example about sin and the girl they were going to stone, he said, "you had been told, BUT". They were commanded to stone her, but why did he stop them from doing that?
Who did he say their father was?
Look back to Stefan the first martyr, and also what's quoted in Isaiah, about the sacrifices and everything not being commanded from God, but that they were following someone else, a false god. There is also a scripture that said after Israel sacrificed to the golden calf, God handed them over to "the army of the heavens", to render sacred service to them.
There is much much more, but just showing that there is a possibility the bible is exposing a dark secret as well.