Help With The Societys View Of Jesus Ransom Applying Only To The Annointed.

by AvocadoJake 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Watchtower 1979 April 1 p.31 “Is Jesus the “mediator” only for anointed Christians? … So in this strict Biblical sense Jesus is the “mediator” only for anointed Christians.The “great crowd” of “other sheep” that is forming today is not in that new covenant. However, by their associating with the “little flock” of those yet in that covenant they come under benefits that flow from that new covenant.”Watchtower 1979 November 15 p.27 Benefiting from “One Mediator Between God and Men” “They recognize that they are not spiritual Israelites in the new covenant mediated by Jesus Christ, nor part of the “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.”—1 Pet. 2:9. 24 Yet they do benefit from the operation of the new covenant. They benefit from this just as, in ancient Israel, the “alien resident” benefited from residing in among the Israelites who were in the Law covenant.—Ex. 20:10; Lev. 19:10, 33, 34; Rev. 7:9-15. 25 To keep in relationship with “our Savior, God,” the “great crowd” needs to remain united with the remnant of spiritual Israelites.

    Aside from the obvious, that Christ's death brought forgiveness of sins for all true believers committed in this life, those who obtain this benefit, God's people, must be parties to the New Covenant.

    Any man not a party to the New Covenant cannot obtain its benefits anymore than a Baal-worshipping Assyrian could obtain benefits under the Mosaic Law not being a circumcised member of the nation of Israel. And no one can have their robes washed in the blood of the Lamb Jesus, have their sins permanently forgiven in the Christian era and be perfected or justified (declared righteous) during the thousand year reign under an expired New Covenant anymore than a Christian today can have his or her sins forgiven under the obsolete Mosaic law.

    Make no mistake about this one fact: it is absolutely impossible, logically or scripturally, for the Jehovah’s Witnesses to educate the resurrected to perfection (justification, a declaration of righteousness and reconciliation with God; a state of sinlessness) under any set of laws, especially the so-called Law scrolls of Revelation 20:12. The gift of reconciliation, redemption, sanctification, justification and forgiveness of sins through the exercise of faith and God's gift of grace is only possible by and through the New Covenant of Christ’s blood.

    The “great crowd” of “other sheep” that is forming today is not in that new covenant. However, by their associating with the “little flock” of those yet in that covenant they come under benefits that flow from that new covenant.”Watchtower 1979 November 15 p.27

    Not possible.

    Only the sins of the 144,000 are forgiven under the Jehovah's Witnesses' new covenant, which is clearly not a Bible teaching[Home]

    Secondly, the Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that only God and the 144,000 are parties to the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-34, and therefore no one else besides the 144,000 can achieve perfection because under their New Covenant only the sins of the 144,000 are forgiven.

    34 “And they will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, ‘KNOW Jehovah!’ for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them,” is the utterance of Jehovah. “For I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more.” (Jer. 31:34 NWT)

    This is another important point to remember, and difficult for the average Christian to comprehend, but the only people whose sins are forgiven pursuant to Jesus' sacrifice in this life - from Adam to the beginning of the thousand year reign - are the 144,000. Furtheremore, the benefit of the forgiveness of sin by Christ's sacrifice is only available to earthly subjects of Christ's thousand year kingdom in the next life. Sins of this life are not forgiven because the Jehovah's Witnesses teach, incorrectly, that the wages of sin for men is death - death is punishment for man's sins. They state:

    This could not mean the record of their past lives nor a set of rules that judges them on the basis of their past lives. For since the "wages sin pays is death," these by their death have received the wages of their sin in the past. (Ro 6:7, 23)

    [Jesus] repurchased them so that they could become his family, doing this by presenting the full value of his ransom sacrifice to the God of absolute justice in heaven. (Heb 9:24) He thereby gains a Bride, a heavenly congregation formed of his followers. (compare Eph 5:23-27; Re 1:5,6; 5:9,10; 14:3,4). Messianic prophecies also show he will have "offspring" as an "Eternal Father." (Isa 53:10-12; 9:6,7) To be such, his ransom must embrace more than those of his Bride. In addition to those "bought from among mankind as firstfruits" to form that heavenly congregation, therefore, others are to benefit from his ransom sacrifice and gain everlasting life through the removal of their sins and accompanying imperfection. (Re 14:4; 1 Jo 2:1,2) Since those of the heavenly congregation serve with Christ as priests and "kings over the earth," such other recipients of the ransom benefits must be earthly subjects of Christ's kingdom and as children of an "eternal Father" they attain everlasting life. (Insight, 736)

    It is understandable why the Jehovah's Witnesses don't want mankind's sins forgiven in this life because it would deprive them of the ability to "educate them to perfection" during the thousand year reign. Otherwise, those who merit the resurrection would not have been resurrected as sin-laden mortals in need of perfection through the removal of sin through their sin-removal program. Or stated another way, the Jehovah's Witnesses need sinners to re-educate during the millenial reign. This would ostensibly include those Jehovah's Witnesses who are not of the 144,000 who would have been part of the Great Crowd had they lived long enough.

    But even if the Jehovah's Witnesses' theory denying Christ's sacrifice for mankind in this life were true, they can't simply apply the benefits from one lifetime derived from one person to other people in a completely different life. Yet this transfer of forgiveness of sin by osmosis is precisely what they teach: The descendants, or "family," receive salvation by virtue of their descent. But Scripture teaches otherwise and emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility. Each individual is saved based on their righteousness, beliefs and conduct. YHWH God made this clear in the book of Ezekiel.

    ... when a land sins against me by breaking faith, I stretch out my hand against it and break its staff of bread, I let famine loose upon it and cut off from it both man and beast; and even if these three men were in it, Noah, Daniel and Job, they could save only themselves by their virtue ... I swear they could save neither sons nor daughters; they alone would be saved. (Ezek. 15:13, 14, 16)

    D) Only true believers who are parties to the New Covenant can receive forgiveness of sins and other attendant benefits[Home]

  • AvocadoJake

    We read of the works John Milton got in trouble for, had to hide some until his death. The same thing applied to Sir Isaac Newton who concealed his views of the Church and his disagreements with some core doctrines. This has been a fun topic for me, enjoying all the post and well writen ideas you have. Jesus did not say he was going to create a two tier system, that of application of his blood he shed for us. I would love to see in the New Testament, the direct words, "You will need the annointed to help apply my blood, to your sins." It does not exist, and the concept that the annointed will be mediators of Jesus Christ between the "other sheep." is conjecture, and oversteping Jesus words. Thank you again, for all the time you took on this subject, peace to all of you!

    JamesWood you mentioned some of the ideas were not correct, what is your view to this subject? Does the W.T.S. say the annointed are go betweens mankind and Jesus Christ or some other idea we are missing?

  • designs

    Avo- The Society used the analogy of the Levite Priests sprinkling the blood of animals on the Israelites to illustrate the 144,000 as go betweens for the Other Sheep. The analogy breaks down but that was their attempt. Also in the Revelation Grand Climax book they use the 24 Elders with the smoke ascending in Revelation to picture the same relationship.

  • AvocadoJake

    Thank design, I have alot of great posts and insights from all of you on this subject. The greatest asset this website has, is the ability to engage with people who are very smart and know Bible doctrine well. We are losing this, as young ones are not showing the interest in the Bible, yet are being appointed as Ministerial Servants who lack a Bible education.

  • meni

    John 7 v52 says you can miss phrophecy being fullfilled by seeing Gods word as an intellectual exercise . If you have a clean heart without blemish and receive approval and direction so obvious that the net overflows, you are entered into the innermost room Isaiah 26 v20 . for today the ransom covers you whether priest or other,In Egypt the blood was on the doorposts of all sorts not just the levites. everyone whatever calling should keep checking that you are in the faith or that inner room, There are some seriously hurt and knocked around sheep on this site, some of the anointed I know do not agree with the company line, on all things, it is a corporation, a utility, your relationship is with Jehovah not a corporation ,. The temple, h couldn't save Gods people the other two times. It is now a living temple being completed .But really what does it matter .? How could the teachers versed in scripture miss the light coming out of the land of Zebulun, and Naphtali Isaiah 9 v1 ,John 7 v 52

    I have never seen so much prophecy being fullfilled as now , its not the time to bag doctrine of one persons faith or religion to anothers, I tim ch1 v6, 7 . Its time to set matters straight personally with Jehovah and tell all persons how prophecy is being fullfilled now , Dan12 v4

  • designs

    meni- Do you expect to see the Return of Christ soon or within your lifetime.

  • meni

    I really do believe it is impossible for the earth to keep going without Jehovahs intervention soon through Jesus. If that makes me a fool than so be it. Isaiah ch 8 v12 and13 . As stated already I see the court system based on Phonecian sea law and Talmudic crossovers with cannon law as a shifting of justice to suit the designs of the disgusting thing in the holy place . They have in a short time stolen all the wealth and infrastruture of the earth and enslaved us .with the confusion that comes from desperation, I see them using jehovahs method with the confusion the 300 and Gideon created on the Midianites ( another counterfeit),I see sovereign countries (illusion) as vassels of a theocracy Babylon The Great . ( Actually vassal ships on a corporate sea of which we are the cargoe) We have through the court system lost the right to freedom from war, real food, clean water,and fresh air,not in principle, but by design. Where utilities are sold for a 1/5 of the price to corporations who then raise our prices by a 1/2, you trace the companies origin through various shelf corporations and partnerships back to the same people who own the central banks who print the money and steal your taxes as interest. Hab ch 1 v6 to10 The committee of 300 (Bilderberg ) I see a pattern used consistently whereby the Vassel kings put in place in the middle east for example, Saddam Hussein, Gadaffi 's Libya , Syria etc are always coming from minorities who are easily removed at will by Babylon with money ,arms and uprising of the majority either( religious or ethnic ) with Nato's help. always full of hope but just slaves being manouvered to something worse. Isaiah 57 v20, 21 At present they are shorting all of Chinas investments in Australia , and Pacific and Middle East , they the King of the South are pushing and China and whoever else will push back Dan ch 11 v 40, I see the Mockery of Isaiah ch2 v4 put in the most obscene places, yet they miss v10 Also Rev 6 v15 I see that the mighty ones of Bashan have somehow kept their blood line from the time they fought with Moses, Joshua and David , all after the flood .They even surrounded Jesus at his death(Psalm 22 v12) in a ritual that seems to be countefeited by the ruling class and Higher masons today in their freedom from care sacrifice to Molech at mid summer in Bohemian Grove and its European counterparts Dan 11 v21 to 24 If you were a family in ancient Babylon , your wife daughters, sisters, even mother would be required at least once in their life to be at the temple for temple sex worship or prostition.The worlds leaders involve themselves in nothing different in fact their political and religious life can start for real in Yales skull and Bones club where an initiation (homosexual) is no less from Babylon and not restricted to Yale.A combination of the Vaticans Jesuit reality with Babylon's core sex worship .I find many scriptures coming to life in unintended ways which I perceive, so that persons like Vid have something worth protecting even if I don't share it .Mark ( ch9 v38 to40)(Ravens) It is definitely a work in progress for me , not the time to be judging each other Isaiah 58 v 9 to 14

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