I showed the article to a friend who is a Police Constable and sees first hand the results of domestic violence. Her first reaction was not what I was expecting. She thought it was a joke and that someone had done it as a parody of my former religion. After convincing her it was nether a parody or mock up of a real Watchtower she was shocked and appalled that such an article could even be written. Sadly, this will not be the reaction of most jws but hopefully it will wake up a few more to the realisation that it is a misogynistic, mind controlling cult.
"Feeling sorry for yourself" about being hit by your husband is not Christian 2/15/12 WT Page 25 P 12
by yourmomma 449 Replies latest watchtower bible
deleted for privacy
LOL---I can't believe it. I'm now part of the VAST APOSTATE ARMY.
I added one line to irondork and Blond-moment's excellent form letter: Entire congregations will study this article and they include teens and children.
I want them to understand the indoctrination and how it begins very young.
Here's a hat for you NC
LOL---I know of a shelter where a witness works! yeah, they got the letter. I'm also in the midst of sending it out to all the area shelters---I live in a fairly large city so we have a lot.
The anger that I feel toward this article is setting in at a slow simmer. At first, I could barely digest it. I cannot describe the anger that has built up overnight. My mother was horribly brutalized by my father, and I witnessed all of it. As soon as I could be taught, I learned to dial the police (pre 911---so seven numbers---and my grandmother.
I am just livid at this moment and it feels SO GOOD to have an outlet. Thanks everyone for giving me something positive to do with this anger.
Those bastards in New York need to be held accountable---but at the very least, we may prevent a few others from falling in their trap.
The encouragement any Christian or of any other belief system to anyone getting abused should answer to her as a loving parent. Few parents of grown daughters would stand for her to accept to be abused by a man at all.
I don't think any of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have had a 'biological' daughter. They cannot relate to any degree. A couple guys may have had a step-daughter but were not involved in the raising of them. I only know of two that had a son or two, but no daughters. Correct me please if I am wrong.
I don't think any of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have had a 'biological' daughter.
I think that is a very significant insight Gayle.
(Off topic - It also makes me wonder if that is why the Catholic Church has such a low opinion of women)
I sent a letter to the Huffington Post this morning. I also made some photocopies of the offending article and plan on sending a copy to The Toronto Star and the Hamilton Spectator. I also plan on sending some hard copies out to some local battered women shelters.
Reading what happened to Mr. Flipper's sister just horrified me.......and this frigging religion just endorses the behaviour.
Wife Beating..
Take it for Jehovah!.
That felt Good..
I think I`ll become a Jehovah`s Witness Now!