It occurred to me that this would be a good point to review the results of the mini-survey, mentioned above.
Q: Do you believe that the Governing Body's Writing Department was right to include the above experience in the Feb 2012 Watchtower?
No (89%, 295 Votes)Yes (6%, 21 Votes)I'm not sure (5%, 15 Votes)
Q: Do you believe that the above experience could potentially encourage abused wives to stay with their violent husbands?
Yes (95%, 302 Votes)No (3%, 10 Votes)I'm not sure (2%, 6 Votes)
Q: Do you believe that the above experience could make women think that they may expect to be abused if they do not sufficiently show Christian qualities?
Yes (83%, 262 Votes)No (9%, 29 Votes)I'm not sure (8%, 25 Votes)
Q: Do you believe that the above experience might make violent husbands feel vindicated in abusing wives who do not sufficiently show Christian qualties?
Yes (85%, 266 Votes)No (8%, 25 Votes)I'm not sure (7%, 23 Votes)
Q: Do you believe that spousal abuse or domestic violence is excusable under any circumstances?
No (94%, 294 Votes)Yes (6%, 18 Votes)I'm not sure (0%, 1 Votes)
Q: Do you believe that this article reflects favourably on Jehovah's Witnesses among outsiders, and furnishes praise to Jehovah?
No (93%, 289 Votes)I'm not sure (4%, 12 Votes)Yes (3%, 9 Votes)
Q: What would you like to see the Governing Body do about the above mentioned experience?
Issue a full public retraction of the experience in question including an apology to any who were upset by the paragraph; remind publishers that spousal abuse or domestic violence of any kind is wrong (82%, 260 Votes)Publish an article comdemning domestic violence that doesn't refer to the experience. (11%, 36 Votes)Do nothing. (4%, 12 Votes)Be more careful about relating similar experiences in future. (3%, 8 Votes)
I don't know about you guys, but I find it pretty chilling to think that 18 people who visited JWsurvey and got involved in this mini-survey think that spousal abuse or domestic violence can be excusable. It just goes to show what sort of twisted mindset the Governing Body's teachings are producing.