LeavingWT's DA letter

by irondork 42 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Scully


    I hadn't read your letter until just now, and I wish I'd done so much sooner! It is superb, and I love the brilliant use of quotes from WTS publications to hoist them by their own petard.

    I'd made similar discoveries while researching the publications prior to my defection, but never bothered to put them in writing. Well done, sir.

  • moshe
    It's feeding, Jason. When you take it into your veins it's called feeding."

    Oh, really? ask any JW, "will a blood transfusion save the life of a starving man?" That, begruded, NO, ( they really hate this question) answer will prove that blood transfusions have nothing to do with eating blood-

    Otherwise- a Jew couldn't accept a blood transfusion, a Jewish doctor wouldn't give one and and a Jewish hospital wouldn't allow it to be done. search high and low in the WT CD, you will not find any mention why Jews accept blood transfusions- and then the WT's counter argument - nope the WT hopes a JW never sees that quandary- so mums the word on the Jewish viewpoint about blood transfusions, lest Jws figure out that it is a false doctrine of men amd that JW leaders have bloodguilt for the death of thousands of JWs who died, when they could have lived with a transfusion.

  • irondork

    Resistance is Futile: But do you know what passes in large amounts from mother to child when the child is breast feeding? White blood cells.

    Did not know. Googled. Confirmed


  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    When I read Leaving's DA letter, I took my Medical Directive card out of my wallet and threw it in the trash. Then, I went home and shredded my DPA form. It was a long time coming and that letter gave me the nudge I needed to do it.

  • bft123

    The person who was upset with the witnesses because of the blood issue and the death of children when their parents would not allow them to take it, would do well to remember that the child will be in Jehovahs memory and will be ressurrected and brought back to life one day, which is a promise from god. another thing you need to remember, is all the children and babies of the cananites, who he had the israelites destroy to take their land, God has a reason and a purpose for every thing he does, but when he lay down a law such as the blood law, you better do it or you will never see a ressurrection, into his new world. The purpose for the law is the same as the one in the garden of eden when he told adam not to eat the fruit off the tree, to see if he would obey him. we are all under this same test, if we cannot obey god in this system, he will know for sure we will not obey him in his new world, so we will not be there. and remember this. it is not god who is testing you but the devil, who says mankind only worship god for the good things he gives them. so he(god) allowes us to be tested.

  • garyneal
    Otherwise- a Jew couldn't accept a blood transfusion, a Jewish doctor wouldn't give one and and a Jewish hospital wouldn't allow it to be done. search high and low in the WT CD, you will not find any mention why Jews accept blood transfusions- and then the WT's counter argument - nope the WT hopes a JW never sees that quandary- so mums the word on the Jewish viewpoint about blood transfusions, lest Jws figure out that it is a false doctrine of men amd that JW leaders have bloodguilt for the death of thousands of JWs who died, when they could have lived with a transfusion.


    I used this very same reasoning on Brother Hero to no avail. He is so indoctrinated and so out of touch with reality that I feel like my reasoning with him is a hopeless cause. Sometimes, I can sense when I turn his own arguments against the WT and it makes him think a little, but then he goes to great lengths to justify his special pleading for the WTS. He even goes as far as making arguments that go contrary to the Bible (let alone common sense).


    See post 2762 from me.

  • garyneal
  • james_woods
    The person who was upset with the witnesses because of the blood issue and the death of children when their parents would not allow them to take it, would do well to remember that the child will be in Jehovahs memory and will be ressurrected and brought back to life one day, which is a promise from god.

    Are you actually saying that an unbaptized kid who was given a blood transfusion by their parents would NOT be resurrected by God? REALLY?

    You must not think much of your God, in that case.

  • I_love_Jeff
  • undercover

    You must not think much of your God, in that case.


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