Welcome. Amazing what happens by accident when one does research.
New Member
by Twisty 81 Replies latest jw friends
Adding my welcome...
I would also suggest respectfully from my own experience to be very wary of discussing your concerns with active JWs. You may well have well meaning elders & family members wanting "chats". Be very careful , as any mention of you perusing "apostate" sites & books by Franz etc will have you outed as an apostate & potentially DFd. I found that the immediate response to any question I raised was always "Where did you read that?" and never any attempt to answer the question.
I confided in what I thought were a couple of trusted elders & family members - they all broke confidences & told others. Trust no-one associated with the society - everybody in the "truth" has primary loyalty to the WTBTS (not God or Jesus - they come second , if they feature at all) .
And I would agree with what other posters have said - chill out , pull up a chair , take your time & enjoy the ride. Try to keep friends & family on board as much as you can. Establish a game plan - are you happy "fading" or could you live with being DFd & shunned by everyone.
Wow I am slightly overwhelmed by the warm welcome and sage advice.
I'll try not be outspoken or rush into anything.
We have to get used to using different independant sources for discovering the real truth and no longer just excepting everything.
Since our financial lively hood is also entwined with witness family, we will have to be careful in the steps to follow.
Greetings from South Africa
I'm actually a Kiwi but live in Australia, go the All Blacks & Black Caps LOL
Sorry about that have to be a little bit6 patriotic
We all on this site understand that you need to remain private
there are some members here from South Africa, their names don't come to me right now, but some do show up with the SA flag
african GB Member
Hi Twisty
I am also from South Africa, Mpumalanga Province
I'll PM you with more info.
hey, I feel the same love from the brothers ever since I gave my MS resignation.
Found Sheep
welcome Twisty!!! GLAD TO HEAR YOU both got out
Reading Crisis of Conscience was a turning point for me.