Mickey Mouse thinks religious belief is.............

by wobble 128 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cedars


    Your statement is contigent upon the interchangeable use of two words . . . "belief" and "hypothesis"

    A hypothesis for which there exists limited or no evidence can still be rational and intelligent . . . but relies on future discovery to survive beyond the hypothetical. To engage the mind to the point of belief based on such a hypothesis is neither rational nor intelligent. Hypothesis by nature is the subject of test and question.

    I accept this point, but I also think there's a certain halfway point between belief and hypothesis that the human mind can occupy, where something is a little more than just a hypothesis, but not quite a firm conviction, or belief. For example, not all people of religious faith are robustly evangelical to the point of ramming their beliefs down people's throats, because they may be open to debate on certain matters and emotionally flexible enough to accept alternatives. That's just how I see it, and the reason why I used the words "belief" and "hypothesis" interchangeably. Maybe it's just me who sees it that way.


  • cofty

    I think the truth of Christ's teachings make them valid

    What teachings of Jesus do you think give evidence of supernatural knowledge?

  • N.drew
    ...evidence of supernatural knowledge

    Jesus knew what was going to happen.

  • cofty

    Jesus knew what was going to happen.

    There is no evidence of that at all. If he wanted to foretell the future he could have done much better.

    Judea was under Roman rule and rebellion was rampant. To preduct it would end in tears is hardly insightful. If in fact Matt 24, Mark 13 or Luke 21 were written before 70.

    Why did he not mention a few verifiable things about the centuries still to come? How about something specific? He was a rubbish prophet.

  • tec

    I think the truth of Christ's teachings make them valid
    What teachings of Jesus do you think give evidence of supernatural knowledge?

    I trust the truth in his teachings; therefore I trust the One teaching. Including the teachings on who HE is, and His Faith and teachings about His Father.

    Such as mercy over sacrifice. Such as love for all - friend and foe. Such as forgiveness for ALL, as many times as is necessary; not as many times as you personally feel like it. Such as the wisdom in things he taught and said. Such as living free - and not under the burden of men who kept them yoked under heavy burdens. Not following leaders. Unafraid of calling out those leaders. The zero hypocrisy in Him... he practiced what He preached; in fact He led the way FIRST.

    Etc, etc.

    If I trust and believe in Him, then I trust all He said. Not just some.



  • N.drew

    What ever!

    I see things happening that he said would happen. But we already have discussed that. I think it was about being perceptive. If you don't see something happening doesn't mean that it isn't happening.

  • Qcmbr

    Tec love for all is against the natural order and dangerous for individual. You become an enabler of abuse when you turn the other cheek, you emasculate yourself when you seek peace during a time of war and on a scientific point it is impossible to love people you have not met , you are merely misassociating feelings with a non-existent mental construct ( my imagining you is not you .)

  • cofty

    I trust the truth in his teachings; therefore I trust the One teaching.

    But nothing Jesus taught suggests anything special, in fact I think he is over-rated. That's not to say he didn't say some worthwhile things but so did others.

    Confucius lived 500 years before Jesus, why do you think he was any less impressive? Confucius gave credit to others before him for his wisdom, Jesus had no such modesty.

    Here are a few comments about Confucius from the Stanford Encyclopedia

    Confucius represented his teachings as lessons transmitted from antiquity. He claimed that he was “a transmitter and not a maker” and that all he did reflected his “reliance on and love for the ancients.” ... But we should not regard the contents of the Analects as consisting of old ideas. Much of what Confucius taught appears to have been original to him and to have represented a radical departure from the ideas and practices of his day.

    Confucius' social philosophy largely revolves around the concept of ren , “compassion” or “loving others.” Cultivating or practicing such concern for others involved deprecating oneself. This meant being sure to avoid artful speech or an ingratiating manner that would create a false impression and lead to self-aggrandizement. ( Lunyu 1.3) Those who have cultivated ren are, on the contrary, “simple in manner and slow of speech.” ( Lunyu 13.27). For Confucius, such concern for others is demonstrated through the practice of forms of the Golden Rule: “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others;” “Since you yourself desire standing then help others achieve it, since you yourself desire success then help others attain it.” ( Lunyu 12.2, 6.30). He regards devotion to parents and older siblings as the most basic form of promoting the interests of others before one's own and teaches that such altruism can be accomplished only by those who have learned self-discipline.

    Interesting that Conficius taught the importance of devotion to family while Jesus taught that family should be abandoned in order to follow him.

    Gautama Buddha also lived about 400 years before Jesus. His teachings are every bit as impressive and remarkably similar to Jesus'. The similarities are so interesting some scholars have proposed the idea that Jesus or his followers were guilty of plagiarism.

    So what is unique about Jesus' teachings that makes you think Confucius and Buddha were, at best just wise, men but Jesus' teachings are evidence of divine origin?

  • Qcmbr

    ...and Jesus never spoke out for women's rights, gave support for anti-slavery measures or preached tolerance for gender preferences outside the norm. Seems like he played safe.

  • cofty

    If he lived today he would have voted Lib-Dem :)

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