cofty - I am not suggesting that you are influenced by Dawkins, or a puppet of his, and nothing you have written would lead me to that conclusion. Please don't take offense at what I've written, because I have a lot of respect for you. If you feel you have enough information to reach the conclusion that every living thing on this planet evolved from a common ancestor through a completely unguided process, then good for you. It's dogmatism that I'm arguing against. I've put up with enough of it whilst in the Borg, and I'm afraid of stumbling upon it here too (i.e. on the forum). Incidentally, evolutionary belief is not necessarily in dispute here (although I'm a bit dubious on how amino acids could have formed proteins). Even if you convince yourself that there was no divine hand in the development of life on earth, even at a cellular level, what about the formation of the cosmos, the big bang? These are all issues that are the subject of furious debate by theoretical physicists and astronomers, so nobody can say with certainty exactly how it all began. Why, therefore, the need to be dogmatic? I hope this demonstrates my point, but please don't think I'm out to demean you or anyone else, because I'm really not. I hate this kind of debate, which is why I was reticent to get involved in the first place.
Qcmbr - again, you're assuming that all creationists take the bible literally. There are many that don't. I wish it was as simple as "all creationists believe in noah's flood", but it really isn't.
cantleave - again, the argument is interchangeable. One could say "I see order", "I see laws of physics at work in the natural world", "I see complex organisms" show me a workable theory that can be proven under scientific conditions in which all of this can come about, even on a much smaller scale, from nothing. As I said before, I don't have to prove anything to you because I don't have strong feelings either way. My issue is with dogmatism in the absense of solid irrefutable evidence, not with supporting either Creationism or Atheism. I do hope you understand, and as with Cofty, pleeease don't take this personally mate, because I like you loads and I'm really not that bothered either way.