But nothing Jesus taught suggests anything special, in fact I think he is over-rated. That's not to say he didn't say some worthwhile things but so did others.
I think his teachings suggest such things as quite special... but we can disagree to that for now. I also do not disparage any of these others who understood truth, at all. But did these others claim to have come from God, to have seen God, to have been a promised Messiah. To be the living image of God?
The point is not that his teachings tell us that he is the Christ, the Son of God... but rather, how could someone who taught the truth He taught, lived the way he lived (honest, merciful, giving, obedient)... then turn around and be liar at the same time? So if I have put my faith in Him, then I put my faith in ALL that he taught and not just some of it. Faith that His Father is God; that we see God by looking through Christ; that Christ came from God; that Christ returned to God and will also return for all those who belong to Him.
Confucius gave credit to others before him for his wisdom, Jesus had no such modesty.
Christ gave all credit to His Father... ALL of it... and took none for Himself.
Interesting that Conficius taught the importance of devotion to family while Jesus taught that family should be abandoned in order to follow him.
No, He taught that God should come first. Not out of selfishness... but out of sense. If your mother/father/brother/sister is wrong and committing harm... then you don't follow them. You know not to follow them if you are following Christ and God. Such as with the witnesses. Say someone in your family shuns someone who is df'd; showing them no mercy or forgiveness or love. If you loved your mother more than Christ and God, then you might follow her in her wrong. If you loved Christ and God more, then you won't follow her, you will follow Christ... AND give your mother a better witness to Christ, and perhaps even help her to see that she is in the wrong and then corrects her behavior.
...and Jesus never spoke out for women's rights, gave support for anti-slavery measures or preached tolerance for gender preferences outside the norm. Seems like he played safe.
He should not have had to, Q. He led by e x ample. He treated women with the same regard - had disciples who were women, spoke to women, gave credit to Mary for choosing to listen to Him over doing 'womens work'. Love others as I have loved you, was his new command. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (If you would not want to be owned, then don't enslave anyone. If you don't want to be beaten, then don't beat. If you want to be loved, then love as you want to be loved. If you want to be shown mercy, then show mercy that you want to be shown to you.)
Its funny that you mention preaching when you are so set against it. But then when one teaches by his deeds (treating women fairly, owning no slaves, forgiving all, giving his life for others), then you raise issue that He did not preach it instead.