Is the Holy Spirit God Himself or a force like in Star Wars?

by I_love_Jeff 224 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento
    Anyways, until the Holy Spirit can help you levitate things and play mind tricks on people the edge goes to the Force.

    Hold on there, I'll see your mind tricks and levitation and remind you of parting the sea, ressurecting the dead, destroying cities AND laying the kaibosh on fig trees !

  • Ding


  • I_love_Jeff
  • I_love_Jeff


  • PSacramento

    Normally I would also mention the virgin birth but since the force can do that to AND so can modern science, it just isn't such a big deal anymore.

  • james_woods

    Some ancient religion is no match for a good blaster, kid...

  • undercover

    I couldn't help but feel bad for the flying one that died. Remember? The surviving one was all, "Momma?" Your mom's dead kid! That ewok concept was experimental at best.

    yub yub

  • unshackled

    Hold on there, I'll see your mind tricks and levitation and remind you of parting the sea, ressurecting the dead, destroying cities AND laying the kaibosh on fig trees !

    Alright PSac, I'll give you that. Darth Maul could have been a scarier badass villian if he kaiboshed a fig tree. Really, who does that? ;)

  • poopsiecakes

    Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other, and I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen *anything* to make me believe that there's one all-powerful Force controlling everything. 'Cause no mystical energy field controls *my* destiny. It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.

    ~Han Solo

  • undercover

    How do you know early christians were furry?

    1st Ewoks 1:32

    And thou shalt not shave thine underarms, legs, face, back or nether regions as it is a detestable thing to the Emperor.

    And then two centuries later along came Joe Rutherford and he reversed the whole thing...

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