I think you may be under the impression (probably because you see so much abuse) that America's welfare system is how and why we got into such a mess financially? It's not even close to being one of the problems that put us in the financial hole we are in.
NO I know it is just a sliver in the pie of US overuse...
Yes WV, nurse probably slants how I see things. Every week I have at least 1 of my 4 pt's is "charity". Some are kind people that are down on there luck. Too often I get needy complaining people that are looking for handouts. They are non complient with there own health and then we get to fix them long enough so they can go home and not care for themselves.... Next week back in the hospital, for FREE!!!
Then I'll get a diabetic that is working and can't afford his insulin Ends up in the hospital in crisis. Not in the "system" so he ends up paying for his stay... because he makes too much
I just don't see it helping the people that need it....
just my slanted observations