'Where else is there to go'? Thoughts I had this morning--and evening...

by sd-7 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    Very well said!

    I would think you're more likely to succeed if you find the true God first and go from there.



  • GLTirebiter

    I would think you're more likely to succeed if you find the true God first and go from there.

    That's something you, Elvis and I will all agree on!

    Where Could I Go?

    Where could I go where could I go
    Seeking a refuge for my soul
    Needing a friend to save me in the end
    Where could I go but to the Lord

  • AGuest

    There is no "where" else to go, dear sd-7 (peace to you!). There is only a WHOM... to go away TO.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ, the "Whom"...


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    good points as always SD

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    My response to the where is there to go question is always... Anywhere but here. If you know there is something with where you are then move on. Why do you think you need a final destination before you get started? Just get going and enjoy the journey.

    We all know that they stole the where are we to go line from the Bible where the disiples ask Jesus where are we to go, you have the saying that lead to eternal life (or something like that). Well you can't apply that line to the Watchtower because they don't have anything like that. What they have is dumb rules that have nothing to do with eternal life or even living an enjoyable life now. What they have over a 100 year history of continually messing things up.

  • cedars

    Well said sd-7. I have recently addressed this very subject on my blog over at JW Struggle, if you'll allow me to give it a rather shameless plug:



  • Vanderhoven7


  • nugget

    We were asked constantly where else was there to go? The implication was that the witnesses were the only option. I suggested to the elders that by their own teachings they show that god is not loyal to an organisation and abandons groups that persistently go against his will. The watchtower does not show unbroken line back to the apostles but rather switching between various heretics, sometimes lone individuals sometimes groups. The people are fixated on being part of the group for good or ill and will use the expression wait on Jehovah but they do not reflect that the god they refer to is not depicted as a passive god.

    Lovely reason in the opening post.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    After a couple of stock 'proofs' had backfired due to the WT's prophetic failures, my would-be recruiter tried, "Where else is there to go?"

    "How would I know? I don't have some invisible space creature sending me messages, but neither does Dad and neither does his church hierarchy!"

    I see it as a faulty question. It is inculcated into us by the church and they are not the only high control group that uses it. I have even heard it used by a Manson Family member.

    The notion that there has to be one true church, or one true god goes hand in hand with it. The trick is to find a potential recruit who already believes that, or convince the recruit that it's true, then sell your high control group or holy book while offering enlightenment, salvation, endless supply of nubile virgins, whatever.

    One thing is for sure, if you go looking for answers to those questions before checking if they are valid, there are shiploads of shifty characters who want to offer you an answer in exchange for control over your life............ and a dip into your wallet

  • Heaven

    "Where else is there to go?"

    My suggestion: Go home. Whatever that means for you. If you don't know, do the thought processes to define it and then the physical task executions to create it.

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