What did Jesus mean at Matthew 10:34-36?

by serenitynow! 73 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • N.drew

    "How is it that you think that humanity can give itself life?"

    I don't know if ProdigalSon says that.

    I think the difference (imo) is Jhsh showed us the way. We must then accept the way he made for us. So it's more than believing in Jhsh. It is trusting if we proceed to follow that way that was fashioned for us then Jhsh is there always to assist, but not to do it for us.

    In fact Tammy and PtodigalSon might believe similarly, but from two very different perspectives. In my opinion.

  • ProdigalSon

    How is it that you think that humanity can give itself life?

    The truth is, humanity never lost it. Your first mistake is taking Genesis literally, and even when you do you can't see the truth of it.

    The serpent is not the bad guy, Jehoover is.

    The Divine Spark, the True Self that is already within you is a piece of God Himself, the True One. Your own scriptures tell you this. Shall I quote Jesus?

    "Ye are gods."

    "You will do things greater than these."

    With just a mustard grain of faith, you can tell a mountain to transfer from here to there and it will transfer."

    Shall I quote Paul?

    "The Temple of God is within you."

    "Until the Christ is formed in YOU."

    And so on and so forth.

    Don't let ANYBODY tell you that God is outside of you. They are lying sacks of shit.

  • N.drew

    NEVER MIND MY PREVIOUS POST. My opinion on that one fell flat.

  • N.drew

    God is outside of us as God also dwells in our neighbor who is actually not inside us....

  • ProdigalSon

    Read John chapter 17 without blinders.... it's plain as day. Everything is one. Separateness is an illusion.

    Then read Hebrews 11. We are aliens in an alien land. The True God didn't create this mess we live in. Everything suffers and everything eats everything else. It's royally screwed. We're here to fix it, we are not the ones that messed it up.

  • PSacramento

    Chirst said that when we accept Him that He and Our Father will abide in Us and we in them.

    Paul echos this also when he says, as Christ did before him, that the Kingdom of God is within Us.

    The issue is that for those things to be we must accept Christ and God via the HS to be In Us and for that we must GIVE ourselves to Them and understand that we can't do it WITHOUT them.

  • Terry

    Remember that the Gospels were word of mouth only.

    These Jesus "sayings" floated around for decades being repeated.

    When the Messianic expectations flopped there was a necessity to +add+ words which explained WHY.

    I take the so-called "hard" sayings of Jesus to be this sort of gloss.

    An obvious example would be concerning the person of Judas. When the Jesus story was orally told and the part of the story where Judas betrays Jesus came up---don't you know the listener would interrupt and ask: "How could Jesus have been such a bad judge of characer?" Consequently, little snippets were added to the story like a "narrator" voice saying Jesus knew from the beginning who would betray him.

    Over the course of many tellings the story would constantly be "adjusted" here and there to make it more persuasive.

    The apologetic tendency is not dishonest, per se, as much as it is....uh-hem..."helpful" in spirit!

  • N.drew

    The last part of John 17:13 stands out to me "my joy fulfilled in them".

  • PSacramento

    RE: Judas

    The fact that Judas lived untill he killed himself, lends credibility that Jesus knew that he would betray him and that the rest of the apostles and disciples didn't view it as such a huge betrayal (which they should have) but more like an act of inevitibility that they knew would happen.

    You don't see much hatred and anger towards Judas in Acts or the synoptics and it is only in the GOJ that we see his character being "attacked" more and even then the issue seems to be that he was a thief and stole from the common purse ( his betrayl not being such a "huge" issue as it should have been).

  • N.drew

    The Jewish race was proficient in the oral connexion. I'm sure for some it became their religion. I also believe that the tansmission of the message has been touched by the spirit so that no soul belonging to it will ever be lost.

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