Matt 10: 34-36 - now that I have some amount of "critical thinking" my mind goes hmmmm.....
quite a lot.
When I read about officials of the catholic church piecing together shreds and bits of old scrolls, deciding which bits to keep as 'truth' and which to discard as being false .... the mind goes hmmm.
What does this look like? A few 'scholars' hunched over faded torn brittle pieces in the 3rd - 4th century.
How bright would the light be? Anyone with super perfect eyesight? Magnifying glasses?
Would their decisions be swayed by their Catholic religious beliefs?
Click here and see an illustration of what Solomon Schecter faced when attempting to rearrange bits of manuscripts in 1896!
Now how many errors would likely be made?
How many words or phrases are mixed up or misplaced or made up from someones personal writings.? {some lost loveletter dropped in the stones or angry threat?}
How many true words or messages were discarded?
How much kept that has no bearing on anything important at all .... execept perhaps only to back up a catholic point of view?
So, what's my take on Matthew 10:34-36 .... hmmm, with a grain of salt!