Is this world ruled by Demons and are we?

by Mindchild 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know
    I guess demons don’t know how to block logical thoughts yet so you must bear with me as we do some thought experiments here with your conceptualizations.

    What logical thoughts? You haven't presented anything but skepticism.

    First, I should explain that I’m not completely unfamiliar with the belief of the occult. Back in college I did a lot of research on parapsychology, ESP, remote seeing, telekinetics, telepathy, UFO’s
    That's not what I had in mind when I mentioned the occult. I meant black arts. There are people who directly invoke demons through magical incantations. They know.

    Like you claim to have experienced before you became a dub? Again, it is only your mind playing tricks on you.
    I could just as easily say that your mind is playing tricks on you.

    In the laboratory we can immediately make a person have a vision of gods, devils, demons, angels or whatever you want to dish up by inducing eddy currents in the neurocortex of the brain.
    Well, I guess you'd have to call me a skeptic. I don't think that explains away the occult.

    So, putting it frankly, there is not a single bit of evidence you showed that points to any real superhuman entities. All known effects of so-called demon activity can be more easily and logically explained and better yet, treated by medical science. How is it that drugs can stop people from seeing demons or hearing voices? I thought drugs were supposed to make you more susceptible to demons.
    That's ridiculous. How do you explain speaking in tongues and occult based healing? Furthermore, not all drugs open up people to demonic influence, but obviously some do. They don't give paranoid schizophrenics LSD do they? People on angel dust, for example, have been known to perform superhuman feats. I knew a skinny little guy, whom I briefly studied with years ago, who told me that he went berserk on dust one time and picked up a harley davidson and threw it on some people and then shot one man in the leg with a shotgun. I know he was telling me the truth because the polic were looking for him. The police dread dealing with guys that are "dusted" because they have been known to break handcuffs and sometimes it takes a half dozen cops to subdue one man. Interestingly, there's an account in the Bible where this demon possessed guy would break the chains that people put on him.

    Sorry but people really are that stupid You Know, religions and the occult have been here for centuries and these mind viruses are good at replicating themselves because they exploit a common weakness in human nature, namely our being intellectually lazy and also the gullibility factor is rampant in our species.
    I think modern society is every bit as stupid, if not more so, for the simple reason that you imagine yourself to be enlightened, when such is not really the case.

    Collectively, most of us have not evolved enough mentally to question our own infallibility and thus we often get sucked into believing the most ridiculous things around because we didn’t read the instruction manual.
    Well, like I say, the notion that demons don't exist is the most ridiculous notion to those who know otherwise.

    If you did take the time to study anthropology, sociology, and psychology you would soon realize how silly your reasoning sounds.
    Just because you declare that something sounds silly to you doesn't mean that your perception of reality is the correct one. You merely have an opinion.

    You are saying that key individuals in our culture are in effect demonized and manipulated by demons to create the cultural themes as a whole. This implies that demons are responsible for the great inventions that make our society function and evolve, and that political leaders are controlled by demons.
    Yes, that's right. The demons pervert human ingenuity to suit their aims. The very fact that so much of human intellectual capital goes into making weapons is proof enough that their is an evil influence steering humans in that direction. As it stands, in the span of a little over one-hundred years technology has transformed human society from the era of covered wagons, when wars were fought with bows and arrows and rifles, to an age when some guy can press a button and literally blow up the entire planet. If that's not evil nothing is.

    The whole demon and devil story is just too implausible to be taken seriously at all when you start doing some thought experiments.
    You typify the arrogance of Western philosophy and science that imagines that they know the truth about spiritual matters.

    Why would a “angel” go bad in the first place? It would be a suicide trip wouldn’t it?
    Why ask me? Why don't you do some experiments in the lab and find out? LOL

    I choose the later explanation as I'm too big to believe in the trooth fairy anymore.
    Sure you do. You just don't know it---yet. / You Know
  • Ranchette

    I was just having a discussion about this with my daughter tonight.

    All those years as a JW I suffered from needless superstition and fear of Satan and the Demons.
    It is amazing how much peace of mind I have had since leaving this religion!

    I was raised up to believe in an Almighty All PowerfulGod that watched everything I did.

    If I didn’t please him he was quick to show disapproval and if I didn’t straighten up quick I could loose my everlasting life.

    I was also taught that he loved me and was interested in me as an individual.

    At the same time I was taught that Satan and his demons were in control of this world.

    Satan and his demons were lurking around every corner just waiting to get control of us!

    We were paranoid of every thing.

    It seems that the only thing that the Almighty had control of was his visible earthly organization and the natural cycle of the universe.

    Well, finally after 34 year I woke up and realized that this” almighty” God does not have control of this organization.

    Then I start wondering why Adam and Eve have to suffer death for their sin and all of their offspring (the whole human race) has to suffer so badly when all the while Satan and his demons get a 6000 year party?

    Makes you wonder who is almighty Hugh?

    We hold humans to a law much higher than what we expect of this Almighty God!!!

    When a human has it in their power to protect another and they choose not to they can be prosecuted for this negligence. They are held accountable and could even be imprisoned.

    But for some reason, the Almighty God we claimed to believe in has it in his power to save lives but he just sits up there and does nothing while thousands are crushed under the twin towers in NY.
    This is just one example of many.

    I am convinced there is no interactive almighty God.
    I am equally convinced there is no Satan and demons.

    I have done just about every thing that is supposed to invite them into my life and there is nothing but blissful silence and peace.

    For those who claim otherwise I just say, “The mind is a very powerful thing!”


  • butalbee

    If there is good there has got to be evil...

    And sometimes, it's good to be bad.

  • Ranchette

    Good does exist but good does not = God.
    Evil exists but it does not = Saten.


  • lurk


  • larc


    Last fall I had an experience I want to share with you and others on Simon's board. My wife and I went on a trip last fall to a small town in southern Indiana. Whilst there (I used the word whilst for our UK and Aussie friends), I ran into some other "apostates". Well, I was really scared, because I thought that they might have demons hanging out with them. But, by gosh, as much as I looked, I could not see any sign of any demons anywhere. Well, let me tell you. I was kind of disappointed.

    Well, now that I think about it, there may have been some demon influence. I went outside to light up the charcoal and cook some weenies. Well, the flames got too hot, like the lake of fire, and my hot dogs got burnt so they looked long slender pieces of coal. Well, what can I conclude from all this? I guess the demons were in the fire and the hot dogs, but not in the people.

  • Ranchette


    You bring back fond memories.

    It was on this trip you mention that I really stared testing this theory of mine.

    Lark I really liked those gormet blackened hotdogs.
    I just can't bring myself to believe they were demonized.

    Tell your wifey hello for me.


  • larc


    I sure will say hello to wifey. Since I can't remember her name, wifey will suffice. By the way, say hello to Buffalo Bill, and your deep thinking daughter.

    Now, I don't think I have ever used the word suffice in a sentence, but when I did, it reminded me of a Robert Frost poem, Fire and Ice, which goes like this here,

    Some say the world will end in fire,
    Some say in ice.
    From what I have tasted of desire
    I hold with those who favor fire.
    But if it had to perish twice,
    I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice
    Is also great
    And would suffice.

    Well now, that is a poem to figure out.

  • teejay

    Demon possessed weenies. wow.

    I'm stickin' to the burgers!

  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    Proof demons exist among us today

    Mr. rogers explains as the most powerful demon on earth, he learned to manipulate whole neighborhoods with secret hand gestures

    Mr. Rogers battled the forces of good until he had full control of King Friday

    Mr. Rogers used unclean demon techniques to maneuver inanimate objects

    In an attempt at mass hypnotism, Mr. Rogers removes his tennis shoes..which throws thousands of white children into unexplained violent seizures

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