About the OP.
Is your wife willing to read Crisis of Conscious? Before I read the book for many years I had read many arguments about our doctrines, and some scandals like the UN NGO and silentlambs. I even read about the 607. Even if those were disturbing to me I would always find a crazy way to defend the WT. But once I read CoC I realize that it was a man made organization and I went back to check all those arguments and be more objective about them. Before CoC even if the evidence was 99.99% agains what I belive, to me the GB was God's channel so they knew better.
One thing that made me doubt about 1914 was the reference of Psalm 110:1. This was before I read CoC. We use that text to say look when Jesus went to the heavens he didn't start his rule he had to wait until God would put his enemies as his footstool. If you think about it one of his enemies is Satan, so how come he rid the heavens of Satan after he started his rule. Also one of the references to PSlams 110:1 is 1Corinthians 15:25,26 and there it says Jesus would be ruling until his enemies including death would become his footstools, nothing happend to death in 1914. So you can't use Psalms to say Jesus had to wait is the other way around. Compare that to Matthew 28:18 if Jesus received a ll authority why didn't he start to rule at that moment? Those texts made me doubt of 1914 hence 607.