just curious, not questioning you personally wasblind
by The Quiet One 179 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
just curious, not questioning you personally wasblind
feel free to question that's how we learn,I'm in a learnin process also :)
I'm waitin' on an answer even more enlightening than the one I could come up with
that's how Ole Wuz learn
Band, after hearing that testimony of yours it seems plainly obvious to me that 1975 was purposefully used to create growth... total and complete snake oil... the disillusionment continues...
(I had to read what was going on, and I have to reply to this, sorry to go back on my word but I ain't perfect...) Wasblind, you are absolutely right, the apostles were a group of prophets.. One thing I must disagree on, though.. WASBLIND said: "The WTS always compare themselves to the apostles when they try to point out that they are not false prophets..Big Fail, The apostles did not teach the things they imagined or thought" --- Please read 1 Corinthians 5:12, and 25-35 (the context of 25-35 is that anything he says here about unmarried persons, or virgins, was his opinion.. just to keep things simple for Wasblind) .. After reading these, please remember that the WT ALSO said that God had not told them 1975, it just seemed to be in line with the Bible, and that nothing might happen.. Paul was an INSPIRED prophet, yet not every word that he wrote (even in the Bible itself) in his letters was directly from God, as he admits..He could express his own view, under guidance from the Spirit. But he was still a prophet GUIDED by Holy Spirit, even though not every single thing that he taught came DIRECTLY from God. He was ALLOWED by God to teach his own view sometimes, even to put it into the Bible.. And the WT doesn't claim that they are infallible/inspired prophets at all, merely that they are guided by Gods spirit, and that they may be wrong when making an interpretation of prophecy.. Would you disagree that Paul was a Spirit guided, yet imperfect, prophet that sometimes taught his own views?
Hello there quiet one,
glad your back, whenever you feel you have no more to say at the moment
just take a break until your ready to come back, that way you won't feel like
you are breakin' your word, after all this is a discussion board :)
Ok, In the reasoning book on page 136 the WTS compare thier "errors" to the apostles
the bible does not show where the apostles taught anything that had to be changed
quiet one your tryin' to defend the WTS only gives further enlightenment to doubters
that's why the WTS don't want you here because even if " your " eyes won't open
hundreds of others are ;)
TQO said; the WT doesn't claim that they are infallible/inspired prophets at all, merely that they are guided by Gods spirit, and that they may be wrong when making an interpretation of prophecy..
Then why would they take such a hard line on anyone who may not agree with their interpretation of prophecy if they admit in advance that they may be wrong?
If you don't agree 100% with their 'interpretation of prophecy' then one is labeled an 'apostate' and cut off from family and friends. Why? Seems a bit harsh for a group who freely admit they could be wrong about things.
The quiet one - Do you understand my previous post? Do you understand the society can push dates back (i.e. 1874 to 1914).....interpretations can change.....definitions can be amended (i.e. a real generation vs an overlapping one) etc etc. So long as these things continue to happen, the society can continue to claim that they never falsely prophesied. So long as the generation definition continues to morph each time the old definition fails....they will simply say that it is new light. By your reckoning....the society will have to close up shop and disband the religion before you will admit that they have prophesied falsely.
When 1994 came and went.....the promise they made on behalf of God failed. But they released a new explanation and passed the failure off as "new light". Recently that explanation changed again into what we now have as "overlapping generations". 50-70 years from now when all the babies that were alive at the tail end of the lives of those of the 1914 generation start to die off.......you know it....I know it and everyone else knows it......the society WILL come up with a new explanation as to what constitutes a "generation". They will never let an old explanation die because that would be admission of failure. As long as they keep coming up with new explanations/interpretations....they can continue to say the light is getting brighter.....while claiming that the old prophecy technically didn't fail. If you choose to bury your head in the sand and accept this.....then have fun serving the borg for the rest of your life.
"And the WT doesn't claim that they are infallible/inspired prophets at all, merely that they are guided by Gods spirit, and that they may be wrong when making an interpretation of prophecy"
If they are not infallible then they have no right to disfellowship others for disagreeing with their mandates and interpretations. Consider this. What if you were giving a talk on stage in 1988 and you said, "everyone needs to temper their expectations about the end of this system of things coming within the lifetime of those that saw the events of 1914 unfold. The faithful slave is not infallable or inspired and they may very well be wrong. In fact, I am positive that when Jesus spoke of "that generation" he was actually referring to overlapping generations......meaning the end would come within the lifetime of those whose lives overlapped with the ones that saw the events of 1914." ?????? Guess what? You wouldn't be giving talks anymore. You'd be having a meeting with the elders about not accepting the teachings of the faithful slave. If you continued to press the issue....insisting that the slave may be wrong in their "generation" interpretation.....you'd be subject to disfellowshipping.
What right would they have to disfellowship you if they have, are and will be wrong? Why is it ok for them to enforce teachings that prove to be wrong in the future? Is it really God's will that you accept teachings that are incorrect? They have right to disfellowship you for refusing to believe something that is incorrect? God is directing this?
Bookmarked - for the great quotes of Watchtower double speak. Thanks!!
Could you please, "The Quiet One " give instances of when the FDS/GB have shown evidence of being "Spirit -Guided" ?