I meant that there seems to be not much societal support for drug rehab services in the United States. Rehab totally enmeshes you in a closed system, then when the insurance runs out, out on the street where you are ready or not. If AA did not exist, it would need to be invented. Dr. Drew says it takes the brain about ten years to recover from addiction. AA is ubiquitous to fill the need. Society says you are a cheat, a dope fiend but all they offer is a few months at rehab.
I was told to attend open AA meetings when my facial pain was so bad all I could think about is an impulse to kill myself. Atho I had no addiction, the doctor said being around other people barely hanging on,too, would be good for me. AA reminds me of the Witnesses, down to the grey metal folding chairs. I sat in each meeting repeating "These are not the Witnesses." I don't agree with some of the concepts. There is a place to go, though, and get support. I wish AA would have a competitor. AA can be a cult. Probably anything can be a cult.
Alcoholics were morally reprehensible to me. I came to know some of the members. They were normal people with a brain disorder. Most people are addicted many years before treatment and we expect tor reverse perhaps 20 years of biology and culture in a few months. No wonder there are relapses. I thought from TV and mags, that AA had a cure rate of 98% if you did the program. The actual rate is about 15%. Addiction is so multilayered and complex that it is a miracle that anyone is sober. Maybe it is an indwelling God. or whatever the precise formula.