Any actual Witnesses here?

by trthskr 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Glad your back trthskr!

    To answer your thing about perfection - of course you're correct, nowhere in the bible does it say that imperfect people are perfect. Stupid us.

    HOWEVER, one pattern that DOES emerge when leafing through the good book is that when God chooses servants who will represent him he ALWAYS gives them truthful and accurate information FIRST TIME! It's something that Jehovah likes to do, don't ask me why. It makes far more sense to me for the information to be wrong and subject to repeated alteration, but I'm just funny that way.

    Now, about those three questions...

    1. YOU BEING ON THIS SITE (even though you know it is frequented by so-called "apostates") - The July 15th 2011 Watchtower study article said (on page 16, paragraph 7) "What is involved in avoiding false teachers? We do not receive them into our homes or greet them. We also refuse to read their literature, watch TV programs that feature them, examine their Web sites,or add our comments to their blogs." Since you are so zealous in venerating the Governing Body, why have you chosen to disobey this direct counsel? Are there any other elements of counsel found in the publications that you feel equally inclined to disobey? And if so, why?
    2. THE GOVERNING BODY - According to Witness doctrine, Jesus selected the bible students in 1919 to be his "Faithful and Discreet Slave". It is the Slave Class who are therefore responsible for feeding the "domestics". The Governing Body did not exist in 1919, and can only trace their roots as far back as 1944. Also, they claim to be "representatives" of the Slave Class - even though they do not communicate with them, or even know how many anointed there are on the Earth. The term "representative" implies that the Governing Body were chosen to serve in their role, but if so, who chose them - and where is the evidence? From where does the Governing Body receive its scriptural mandate to administer affairs on behalf of the Slave Class? Where in the bible does it say that the Slave Class will require a Governing Body to represent it? Do you have ONE scripture that supports the authority of the Governing Body in the role that they have chosen for themselves? This may prove challenging for you, since the term "Governing Body" does not appear once in the bible, as I'm sure you're aware.
    3. INCREASING LIGHT - Please can you show me ONE scripture that shows how God's Holy Spirit has (or would) deliberately feed false information to his servants as a "makeweight" until truthful information is revealed at a later stage?

    Any ideas?


  • N.drew

    trthskr the Watchtower tells people what to think. In the Bible it's called misleading and being misled. If you decide to think differently, you can stay as one of them, but try saying something different and persist in it and you will be expelled. Fine, but then family and friends who remain at the Watchtower are warned not to associate with the defector by order of the (imperfect) Governing Body. Isn't that wrong?

  • palmtree67

    Go back one post and re-read TD's comments, dear.

    I think you missed what he said, judging by your last post.

  • trthskr

    cedars- there are no more prophets spoken to directly by God after the apostles. I already stated that. If that was the case we wouldn't have the book of Revelation by John. God would have just picked someone to speak to in our day right before things unfolded. Even Muhammed was a false prophet. God's people on Earth have to interpret Scripture.

    1. I am not a baptized Witnesses or even go to meetings. That's why I'm here.

    2. Even the earliest congregations had elders and leaders. They can't be definite that someone is "annointed". That person "just knows". If they are lying they have Jehovah to deal with.

    3. See my first paragraph.

  • cedars

    trthskr - I will assume from the pause that you are finally answering my questions. Well done! I'm looking forward to reading your scriptural answers.

    I would just like to add to palmtree67's sentiments in acknowledging the excellent argument put forward by TD.

    I fear you may be confusing INFALLIBILITY with CULPABILITY. So, just to be clear - is the Governing Body infallible? No. Is the Governing Body culpable? Yes. Why? Because it claims to be God's spirit-directed organization! It is therefore as culpable as hell. Furthermore, the Governing Body themselves don't seek forgiveness for their mistakes, which as TD has pointed out, have led to people dying. But it's all OK, because after all, they're only human?!?!


  • N.drew

    Why are people not free to think and interpret the sign as they think best?

    Why is it right to give one's self over to imperfect men (who make mistakes) to think for you?

    Why does the Govening Body believe we can not think for ourselves?

  • Gopher

    I saw the link to this thread on Facebook and couldn't resist jumping back in today.

    The original post suggests that the name of this website "" is misleading. Not really. For example, if people were cancer survivors they might have a website that includes the word cancer. It doesn't mean they're in favor of cancer.

    As far as the "imperfect people" excuse to explain the misinterpretations and false dates of the Watchtower (1914, 1915, 1918, 1925, 1975 and before the end of the 20th century -- all dates the Watchtower said would bring the end of the system): Well, the Watchtower uses mistakes and imperfections of other religions as a weapon against them. Watchtowerism is merely another entry in the long line of people who portray themselves as interpreters of God's will for man. They're just as weak and flawed as anyone who came before or who have arisen since.

  • cedars

    OOH answers! Sorry, I was busy typing that last post when you replied.

    1. That's great, so despite venerating the Governing Body you don't feel you need to obey them because you're not baptized yet?! Well, good for you I suppose, although for your own sake please don't get baptized because you might find it causes problems further down the line when you realise it's a cult.
    2. Sorry, that's not an answer to where the Governing Body received it's scriptural mandate to represent the Slave Class. Please re-read the question and get back to me on that with a scripture.
    3. Nope, your first paragraph didn't answer the question. Please re-read it (as with question 2).


  • poopsiecakes

    trthskr, what's the difference between 'spirit-directed' and 'inspired'?

    And what's the difference between interpreting scripture stating God's purpose and prophesying? For example, the WTS says that God's purpose is a paradise earth...this is their interpretation of scripture and nowhere does it say that in the bible. Are they not setting themselves up as prophets by making such a bold interpretation?

  • N.drew

    If thinking the way of the Watchtower means salvation but the Watchtower changes it's doctrine as it sees fit, then what happens to the friends who are loyal to the org that do not receive the correction for various reasons beyond their control and Armagettinoutofhere comes? Will they die or will they live? They aren't in line with the "one thought" by no fault of their own. What will happen to them? And how are they different from the good man who is not a Jehovah's Witness?

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