Any actual Witnesses here?

by trthskr 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • palmtree67

    I'm sorry, but are you actually reading any of the responses to you, trthskr?

    It doesn't seem so, since your posts address NONE of the issues raised.

    I agree with the poster who suggested you start a thread for each specific subject you'd like discussed.

    Or better yet, since it's all been discussed here ad nauseum, use the SEARCH function on this forum to find what you need.

    Unless of course, you aren't really a "truthseeker".

    Good luck on your journey.


  • trthskr

    Well, the Bible states the "bad associations spoil useful habits". I have met disfellowshipped people and they have never been completely shunned by family. Their family members still talk to them and see them. They just don't put their good standing with Jehovah in jeopardy by getting involved with unscriptural practices such as celebrating pagan holiday's, watching unwholesome entertainment, drunkeness, smoking, etc.

  • trthskr

    palm, I feel the same way. Every time I state facts it's like they were never read, just skipped over. People are coming up with the same stuff that has been debunked or can be explained with Scripture.

  • elderelite

    Palmie!!!!! So good to see u sweetie :-D i hope u and hubby are doing awesome in new home

  • cofty

    trthskr - Please if you are sincere choose one topic that really interests you, start a new topic on that specific subject and I promise you will get lots of interesting information.

    Most of us were in your position once.

  • cantleave

    Well good for you!!! You are pissing me off now. I was in this stinking cult from Birth till 42. I reached the dizzy heights of being a congregation elder and was well respected in my circuit as a speaker and teacher.

    I am now shunned by family and life long friends because I stated that I could see no evidence that God chose this organisation in 1919. You obviously know fuck all about this cult, and are Judging others on limited knowledge.

    I really hope you see the truth at some point but in the meantime, stop being a w*nker and post on sites filled with brain dead zombies like yourself..

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.
    I have met disfellowshipped people and they have never been completely shunned by family.

    Really??? Talking out your Ass???

    Seriously cause if You can Prove that ........

    I will Apologize!!!!

    oh you said DF'd my Shunning is in my Head.......

    like you petting Lions...

  • trthskr

    Well, you can always become a Catholic. Since they're the biggest and oldest, they must not be a cult right? You can do as you please with them with no repercussions as well.

  • Knowsnothing

    Thank you for engaging in some dialogue trthskr. I also forgot that since you are only beginning to post here, your posts are limited to 10 per day.

    Trthskr, you are talking about disfellowshipped individuals, individuals that broke the "law". Some people have merely disassociated. Do you know the difference?

    A disassociated person may not have done/does not do any of those things, yet they are to be treated no different than a disfellowshipped person. You also go on to say that some have "never been completely shunned by family". Well, all I can say is that is your personal experience that does not reflect reality. Some people on here have been shunned so severely by family that they do not know their grandkids, grandfathers, brother in laws, etc... the list of family can go on.

    I can tell you my personal experience, if it helps to shed any light. I choose to disassociate about 6 months ago. I did not agree that this was God's organisation, and I felt no obligation to continue going to Kingdom Hall or continue preaching. I discussed this with a couple of elders invidually at first, then in a Judical Commitee of three. I was asked that if no longer believed, that I fill out a paper as to why I wished to disassociate and sign it. I did and the subsequent meeting, it was announced I was no longer a JW.

    I work with 3 JWs. 2 of them are nice to me at work. They do not put religion over humans first, which I appreciate. One became so offended/inflamed that that one would not speak to me under any circumstances. The situation has not changed. JW's that I deal with as customers and that know me, will avoid any eye contact/acknowledment of my existence. They will only deal with me when forced to do so.

    Mind you, I have never spoken badly about their religion or them. I never speak of immoral subjects. I am simply willing to leave religion out of the conversation. Do you think my actions merit the treatment I receive? Your answer may be more revealing about just how far religion has reached into your mind.

  • cofty

    trthskr are you just here to be an annoying little prick or are you intersted in learning something? If the former piss off and read your comics - if the latter get some focus, choose your question and engage in some actual conversation like an intelligent adult. At the moment you are coming across like a petulant child.

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