by stillajwexelder 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scully

    Mary writes:

    I'd estimate that most elders look at porn at least occasionally........

    Agreed, but I'm *sure* it's only for "research" purposes.

  • thetrueone

    One can be a little sympathetic to what the WTS. is trying to assert here.

    If someone is constantly viewing porn being a single person or married person, it would suggest that person may be addicted,

    which is most likely have adverse effects on to their personal life .

    Modern porn today is more about objectifying woman as sexual objects in a not so loving or respectful way.

    But since porn is target marketed to adolescent males, this social rebelliousness plays and fits into the commercialization of this kind of product.

  • ex360shipper

    Excuse me while I go research this matter.

  • Hangin_on

    Las year I cleaned up the Watchtower conductor's laptop which had been "porned up"

  • Hangin_on

    I think this is a very dangerous stand they are taking on porn.... This can result in many things

    1. A lot of Dfing's because of Porn

    2. More adulthery because people do not have an outlet for their frustrations in unhappy marriages etc.

    3. People not coming forward about their porn habbits and a general moral decay will occur, they will cover up or lie about little things like porn viewing then they will do bigger things like commit fornication and justify that since they didn't say anything about their porn viewing why should they about the fornication.

    This is a policy that will have to be retracted, what do you think?

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    it's a stupid rule and yes I think it will be retracted in the next elder rule book

    never looked at it myself but don't think adults need to be monitored like the GB think they can....

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    I know an awesome free porn site. Only interested female PM inquiries please.

    Think About It

  • stillajwexelder

    Our PO (sorry Co-ordinator of the Body of Elders - I will never get used to this title), mentioned during the WT on Sunday that we all should read this QFR. The GB were getting stricter on Pornography proving we are deep in the time of the end.

    The stuff some come out with - you just couldnt make up it is so weird.

  • zengalileo

    I've never "Just stumbled" upon porn before. I don't get how that could happen. If I search "pussy" however, I knjow I am going to get some porn. You have to be aware of what wordss are dual meaning and likely to get you some porn. As a teacher, I have to keep my computer clean of any porn, and so far I have been able to do that without a problem. I have never been attacked by porn as it were.

  • wallsofjericho

    Violia said: has anyone told the wts that porn is not free and you are not likely to just stumble onto it? Maybe that was so when the net was new, early 90's but you need a credit card now to see porn of any consequence.


    that is a naive statement

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