So in that case any child born of a Christian mother would be a Jew and free from persecution until he actively proved he was a Christian (as his parents would expect) after that he would be fair game?
You're going way past the term of pregnancy, dear one (again, peace to you!). And you're also missing the point. I'm not sure why: if you're doing that on purpose, or if you truly do not get it.
How do you kill anybody and get past the law?
Ummmm... killing was not prohibited under the Law. To the contrary, it was sometimes sanctioned (i.e., the avenger of blood); however, Israel was always supposed to SURPASS the Law... with love. Which would cause them to FORGIVE any transgressions, even sue for peace with God on behalf of a transgressor...
If pregnant women were afforded any form of protection/mercy it was not from the law but rather a deeper inherent quality like justice and protection of babies.
Okay. Sure. Ummmm... wasn't the Law supposed to be about "justice"? And where did you get the protection of babies was occurring? Herod killed how many looking for my Lord? Roman actually left theirs out to die in the elements. Babies weren't particularly "special" in and of themselves, dear one.
Its not viable that Paul would think that the people wouldnt hesitate to bypass the law at verse 12 but would halt at verse 22.
Actually, verse 12 serves my point: killing wasn't something Jews could easily do... because of the LAW. THIS law (verse 12). Which is why my Lord was delivered up to ROME to be killed... versus the priests, scribes, et al., doing it themselves. And, as I shared, christians were "delivered up" to the Romans BY the Jews ("brother will deliver up brother"). But some Jews literally killed; of course, they did.
But let's take a look at that Law... and how some got around it. First, did not the fomenter of the law... Moses... strike a man so that he actually died? My recollection is that he did indeed. Why wasn't he held accountable? Because you've left out the next couple verses:
"But where one does not lie in wait..."Exodus 21:13
"... in case a man becomes heated against his fellow to the point of killing him with craftiness..."Exodus 21:14
These verses are clarification of one of the "Ten" commandments, which many Bible versions misstated, so that many PEOPLE misstate... and misunderstand... the SUMMATION that:
"Thou shall not... murder." Exodus 20:13
Which is NOT the same as "Thou shall not kill." Because MURDER includes an underlying insidiousness and deceit, sans passion. Thus, it is evil. Whereas killing can be the result of a lot of things, including accident.
But the Law was not a FULL restriction, of course not. For example, Exodus 20:16 (which some Bibles erroneously translate as "You must not lie")states:
"You must not bear false witness against your brother/fellowman."
Yet, how did the priests, et al., eventually get the Sanhedrin to convict my Lord? By the FALSE testimony of two men they hired to so testify. Their reasoning? THEY were bearing false witness against Christ; the men were.
Again, dear one, I only shared what I was given on this matter. You don't have to take my word for it. Believe what you will... or don't what you won't. Or... ask. The latter is just as easy as the former.
Again, I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,