Trthskr said:
ScenicViewer, not if they're just obtaining data for their publications that can't be acquired elsewhere.
Are you KIDDING me?
If you sent your kids to private Catholic school to get access to their education, you would be disfellowshipped.
If you joined to army because it was the only way to get access to the GI Bill, you would be disfellowshipped.
If you said you think it is ok to have a blood transfusion if it is the only way to get access to saving your life, you would be disfellowshipped.
You don’t even have to DO these things to get disfellowshipped. You only have to TALK ABOUT believing that you should be able to do these things and you will be disfellowshipped!
But THEY, the very ones who would DECLARE YOU DEAD spiritually and socially and cut you off from all your friends and family if you did the same, are saying it was ok for them to sign up as an NGO with the United Nations!!!
It is the most DIGUSTING kind of hypocricy.
People DIE for their Watchtower beliefs, yet their own leaders HAVE NO INTEGRITY and will sell out their beliefs for a LIBRARY CARD.
It is really, really, disgusting.
It's a disgusting sham.
People will do whatever these men say, and these men are hypocrites!
They should have been willing to DIE rather than become an NGO of the UN the same way their followers will DIE rather than salute the flag!
(And if you really believe they became and NGO to get a library card, I have a bridge to sell you.)