Trthskr - The original application as an a NGO in 1992 by the WTS. was a deceiving hoax
toward the UN and its adjoining NGOs, was it not ?
Since an NGO organization is one that is knowingly identified as suppose to be acting in accordance
with the UN set initiative agenda, it really doesn't really matter what specific wording was directly on
the applications.
Their excuse is laughably maligning to the facts, in the real world.
For the WTS. to later say well we didn't see that on the application is being intellectually dishonest to
say the least. Its quit easy to see that they got caught with their pants down so they had to come up
with a palsuablie excuse for their actions.
The WTS. hypocritically broke their own law regarding being in association with ANY worldly
governmental affairs.......Period !
Of course any brain washed JWS whose been indoctrinated by the WTS. to support and stand behind the organization at all cost,
might not be willing to accept what the WTS. did or how the WTS. has tried to cover over this deliberate particular act of hypocrisy.