WTS successfully refutes bogus UN conspiracy theory/hoax

by trthskr 121 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • thetrueone

    Trthskr - The original application as an a NGO in 1992 by the WTS. was a deceiving hoax

    toward the UN and its adjoining NGOs, was it not ?

    Since an NGO organization is one that is knowingly identified as suppose to be acting in accordance

    with the UN set initiative agenda, it really doesn't really matter what specific wording was directly on

    the applications.

    Their excuse is laughably maligning to the facts, in the real world.

    For the WTS. to later say well we didn't see that on the application is being intellectually dishonest to

    say the least. Its quit easy to see that they got caught with their pants down so they had to come up

    with a palsuablie excuse for their actions.

    The WTS. hypocritically broke their own law regarding being in association with ANY worldly

    governmental affairs.......Period !

    Of course any brain washed JWS whose been indoctrinated by the WTS. to support and stand behind the organization at all cost,

    might not be willing to accept what the WTS. did or how the WTS. has tried to cover over this deliberate particular act of hypocrisy.

  • trthskr

    ScenicViewer, not if they're just obtaining data for their publications that can't be acquired elsewhere. Why would any witness have the need to go to the YMCA when there are gyms and swimming pools all over the place? There's a Planet Fitness, Gold's gym, etc. in every town and parks with basketball courts as well.

  • trthskr

    You didn't read it. They didn't have to act in accordance until the change was made in 2002 without their knowledge. One year after their previous registration had ended and they weren't notified.

  • thetrueone


    The NGO must:

    • Support and respect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;
    • Have national or international standing;
    • Operate solely on a not-for-profit basis and have tax-exempt status;
    • Have the commitment and the means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents to a broader audience about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and pamphlets; organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; or enlisting the attention of the media;
    • Preferably have a satisfactory record of collaboration with UN Information Centres/Services(UNICS/UNISs) or other parts of the UN System prior to association.

    [Please note that in cases where the NGO has no record of collaboration but the DPI Committee on NGOs approves its application, it will have a provisional association status of two years until which it can establish a partnership with the relevant UNICs/UNISs or UN system organization];

    • Provide an audited annual financial statement conducted by a qualified, independent accountant;
    • Have statutes/by-laws providing for a transparent process of taking decisions, elections of officers and members of the Board of Directors;
    • Have an established record of continuity of work for a minimum of three years and show promise of sustained activity in the future.

    Evaluation and review process

    Associated NGOs undergo a specifically designed evaluation and review process.

    1. The DPI Committee on NGOs, the body that approves the association of NGOs with DPI, also approves the disassociation of NGOs that no longer meet the criteria for association. This Committee meets twice a year.
    2. Every year associated NGOs are required to submit one document that will consist of:
      1. an accreditation area with the updated information of the NGO and its representatives
      2. a completed evaluation area of UN-related activities, with at least three (3) samples of materials of those activities.
    3. Azazel

      hey trthskr i thought you were going to piss off and come back under another name?

      well go on piss off!

      heh heh


    4. greenhornet

      LOL I love that you tube video. Stop at 3:22 into the video i tell me what you see. Do I see leaking 55 gal drum in Paterson dump site?

    5. trthskr

      Yup, that was the new criteria in 2002 that they weren't made aware of. They joined in 1991.

    6. ScenicViewer

      ScenicViewer, not if they're just obtaining data for their publications that can't be acquired elsewhere.

      That is rationalilzing. There is no data the WTS needs for it's publications that would necessitate violating the Bible guidline to 'quit touching the unclean thing.'

      Why would any witness have the need to go to the YMCA when there are gyms and swimming pools all over the place?

      More rationalizing. There are also fine libraries all over the place. Especially in New York City!

      But you miss the point. It is the principal that counts here, not how many swimming pools there are.

    7. N.drew

      Unbelievable. Who do you work for trthskr?

    8. DaCheech

      you mean their 2nd grade level reading quality magazines needed heavy research materials?

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