WTS successfully refutes bogus UN conspiracy theory/hoax

by trthskr 121 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • palmtree67

    ScenicViewer, not if they're just obtaining data for their publications that can't be acquired elsewhere. Why would any witness have the need to go to the

    YMCA when there are gyms and swimming pools all over the place?

    That is an excellent point!

    Let's explore that.

    What if a JW family moved into a smaller town and the only puclic swimming pool was operated by the YMCA?

    Would they be allowed to join in order to use the pool?

  • iCeltic

    trthskr - azazel asked you politely to piss off, I wish you would, I now find you an irritating little shite. Sorry but it had to be said. This person is not listening to any reason and, as has been pointed out, didnt give a reply after 2 pages of evidence but instead posted a stupid you tube video. Piss off is me being as polite as I can to you.

    It's hard enough dealing with all the crap the Watchtower has done to me without some arsehole spouting pish non stop.

    Answer questions properly, give evidence of your claims, quote publications/dates or just F off.

  • TheSilence

    At the side of this screen is an ad for an indoor heated swim pool. I want one!

    Carry on...

  • trthskr

    I'm sorry everyone if I came off wrong. I love you all, even those who put me down. Sorry about the pm's. I love you Charlie Brown, Mrs. Jones, and Poopsie. Good luck on your journies through life. Good night.

  • iCeltic

    Isn't it also so clear that trthskr is a liar? Why is this littel prick being given the time of day?

    Love? ffs, honestly.

  • mrsjones5

    Last post of the day and you leave a phoney ass apology. Hm, no baby that ain't even gonna cut it.

  • thetrueone

    You didn't read it. They didn't have to act in accordance until the change was made in 2002 without their knowledge. One year after their previous registration had ended and they weren't notified.

    They knew perfectly well what was behind the status and meaning of taking on that particular identification within the UN.

    Don't fool yourself and be dishonestly dismissive to the knowing facts.

    The other dishonest thing the WTS. intentionally did was to not mention that even back then ( 1992) they were responsible for putting in

    annual reports to be reviewed to maintain their NGO status, in other words they were responsible for contributing to the sole purpose of the UN

    and its established charter designated by being a NGO (DPI) member.

    Lets make it perfectly clear the UN with its adjoining NGOs are a worldly government operation. Yes or No ? Of course Yes !

    It would be recognizably similar as a single person joining and being a supporting member of a established political party.

    That is the core agenda, even if you deliberately joined to extrapolate information from that party and you really weren't there to give support.

    Your argument that the WTS. didn't see that printed clearly on the application is wholly dishonest, just like the WTS's

    in its embarrassing excuse.

    Like I said before they embarrassingly got caught being a deceiving double agent of sorts by associating themselves with the UN,

    not just by the rest of the JWS but also by the UN and its own NGO review organizers and officials.

    Irregardless of what specific wording was on the application for NGO's.

    A obvious case of the WTS. not respecting their own established laws of conduct.

  • jwfacts

    not if they're just obtaining data for their publications that can't be acquired elsewhere.

    Do you really believe that? Exactly what information did they obtain that couldn't be obtained elsewhere? What exactly did they need so desparately to break all their standards?

    Saying they could break their standards is like suggesting the Watchtower should attempt to inflitrate the Vatican to obtain access to their even more valuable library. Or going to a fortune teller to get access to some of the information Satan knows about you that you could not obtain elsewhere. Is that really justifiable?

    They didn't have to act in accordance until the change was made in 2002 without their knowledge. One year after their previous registration had ended and they weren't notified.

    Prove that there was a change in requirements on any consequential effect. (It still doesn't justify that joining in 1991 was hypocritical, but you can't just throw around incorrect comments to try to make a point.) There was always a requirement for associated NGO's to show support for the work of the UN.

    “In 1968, the Economic and Social Council, by Resolution 1297 (XLIV) of 27 May, called on DPI to associate NGOs, bearing in mind the letter and spirit of its Resolution 1296 (XLIV) of 23 May 1968, which stated that an NGO "...shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities, in accordance with its own aims and purposes and the nature and scope of its competence and activities".” http://www.un.org/en/civilsociety/1297.shtml

  • N.drew

    No dear trthskr that scripture can apply to loyal JWs much more than it can apply to persons here.


    And the cares of this life and the deceit of the riches and of the other things entering in choke the word and it becomes unfruitful.

    So the scripture is not talking about anyone who has left the word. It means the word they speak is unfruitful.

    Riches can mean Definition: riches, wealth, abundance, materially or spiritually. http://concordances.org/greek/4149.htm

    And cares can mean trying to get things just right for Jehovah.

    What are the riches? Paradise.

    What are the other things? Routine. Who has a more rigorous routine than Jehovah's Witnesses?

    What is the fruit a true believer produces? True LOVE and true PEACE.

    The love and peace the Society produces is artificial.

  • iCeltic

    jwfacts, everyone, he/she doesn't care. It's been handy for one thing, jwfacts pdf tearing this stupid arguement apart.

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