Active JW understands flaws in WTS doctrine but believes in the Bible

by flamegrilled 238 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • N.drew

    Hi Lily Pie! I missed your post at first because I posted also! Yes, we are in love with God!!!

    With love comes trust and appreciation.

    And love grows!!

    Love is powerful. Why do we know it but they don't? That's rhetorical for the reader. I don't know the reason, but I suspect AGuest knows!! Hi honey! OK if I call you honey?

  • N.drew

    Hahahha!!!! You know I love you!

  • wasblind

    Hello ther again FG :)

    It is clear to me from your post so far that you are

    truly here for a sincere open discussion

    It's a pleasure have you here :)

  • ziddina
    "I would be genuinely interested to find another form of worship that matches the fundamentals that seem to be required for Christianity as defined in God's Word. ..."


    Sorry... I have no clue...

    The information in the bible itself convinced me that it is merely the words of backwards, ignorant, superstitious Middle-Eastern Bronze-Age nomadic males....

    I've been basically atheistic ever since I heard Exodus 19: 16-19 read from the podium when I was 7 - 8 years old....


  • yknot
  • ziddina

    Hi, YKnot!!

    Long time no see!!

    How're things???

    PS - maybe change your browser???


  • wasblind


    On page 206 in the reasoning book it states: " The message that the witnesses proclaim involves the lives of people"

    By not doin' what Jesus directed in Acts 1:8, this seems to be side stepping a moral obligation

    Jw's teach Jesus as an after thought

    1st Corinthians 15: 1-26 paul states what the good news is , it was about Jesus first

    Next, the kingdom

    they are not adhering to the moral obligation that's taught in the scriptures

  • yknot

    oy....browsers (forgot about that)



    I am an active JW and this reminds me of a conversation in FS yesterday....

    You listed our 'preaching'.....

    So all I want you to do for me is tell me in plain English what our exact 'good news' are we preaching, our core foundational belief in a sentence or two as if you were only able to tell the nitty gritty to a dying person who had never heard of our 'truth' in 30-seconds.

    Huggles (and to all JWNers!)

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    yknot!!!! - So excited to see you're posting again. We've missed hearing from you.

  • yknot

    ty ....luv you all .....

    Wont be here much.....will tell yall all one day but low profile is needed.....

    I was just drawn today to the board....perhaps our lil Flame was the reason.....

    Giggles, Huggles and Love!

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