Quandry, good stuff!
How do I respond to this? from my father
by alamb 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
F athers
Fathers are wonderful ... in so many ways
They give you your life ... and brighten your days
We only have one ... and they can’t be replaced
Wounds are healed ... and problems are faced
For a loving father ... it is easy to care
Knowing for certain ... he’ll always be there
“Whatever your choose” ... a father will say
“Is part of the freedom ... we each have today”
“Though precious to me ... your life is your own
So I will love you ... wherever you roam”
“And never will I ... as long as you live
stop being loving ... and ready to give”
“So fear not my daughter ... I will always be there
I will always fulfil ... the duty I bear”
“Neither heaven nor earth ... will separate me
From the unconditional love ... that I owe to thee”
ADD: (optional) It seems you’ve failed.
I'd reply simply:
"We tried."
"You hope they'll find happiness, and pray it will last."
Thank you, Daddy. You tried and your success is grander and far bigger than you can know.
I have found happiness and it lasts and lasts.
I'd send him this song, too. I'd tell him you wish he'd sent you a song very similar to this. Be sure to include the lyrics. You might edit them to fit a father and daughter. "Cause there'll always be an empty room, waiting for you. An open heart waiting for you. Time is on our side, 'cause it don't matter to me. :
Reply, "I forgive you"
It will freak him out.
Then, plan your next move.
I forgive you for not being willing to give what it takes to make it all sucessful.
Lots of folks evidently did that. You know who they are. You fucked up.
Thanks for nothing.
Still scared from your abuse, asshole.
Change the gender to Father and Daughter:
I would respond with a restraining order.
ditto jamiebowers.
no more kool aid
I agree with Jamie! He molested you?! Your mother stayed with him ?! They helped an alcoholic get custody of your children?! They don't deserve "any" response from you, no poem or quick one liner. I am a nurse on a psych ward, when we get a psychotic patient in, it is our practice to let them sleep, eat, get illicit substances out of their system and start their psych meds once again. It takes about three days, before we can even "talk" to them because until then they have no base in reality. This is how your parents are......there is no sense in even letting them know you recieved the message. He clearly has no conscience so nothing you can say will cut him or make him think. It is so beneath you to even respond. It may be too late to prosecute him and I am not a legal expert but I would see about blocking him in everyway so that he cannot contact you. NMKA
Dear Dad,
Why is the number and frequency of serious earthquakes decreasing?