He needs to prove three elements
1-his wife really loved him before all of this mess. That will be difficult to prove because it is subjective to her, and she can simply testify that she loved him less and less with time.
2-the elders, CO, WTBTS "with willful intent" sought to destroy their relationship. Again, difficult to prove. Proving that their policies resulted in the destruction of their relationship is not enough. He needs to prove that in their minds, they said 'Hey, I want to destroy Rick's marriage, so I am going to do X,Y, and Z.'
3-damages. However, the Illinois Alienation of Affection Act gutted damages by disallowing, pain, suffering, emotional distress, and courts have denied attorney's fees. So what damages does he have left? Having to pay child support isn't going to satisfy this prong. Parents have a duty to support their children regardless of what happens in life, and whether he lives with his wife and supports his kids through commingled finances or lives separate from his wife and supports his kids through child support, he still has the duty. He is not burdend with any duty after the divorce that he didn't have before the divorce=no damages. Did his wife make more money so that now he is losing a standard of living that he previously enjoyed? Doubtful=no damages.
Additionally, the courts have said they will subject the claims to "very close and strict scrutiny." Code for you better have a lot of hard evidence to prove your case.
And he has to prove these elements for each person/group. He has to prove that the elder sought, with willful intent, to destroy is his marriage, that the CO willfully intended to destroy his marriage, and that the WTBTS's goal was to destroy his marriage.
Intent alone destroys his case.
The best advice has already been posted: He should use his energy to maintain his relationships with his children.