Having discovered this site just over a year ago I still find it interesting enough to visit on a daily basis.
I left the 'truth' with my wife over 40 years ago and apart from some early nasty arguments with family still in (though most have died off sorry to say) its been a long time since I found out how that religion has been progressing or regressing............I was astounded to learn how perverted shunning has become (used for all sorts of lame reasons), the splitting up of families, the continuing lack of education, the slowing of their conversion rate, the time wasted in service and perhaps most of all the ill treatment of the WTBTS's human resources.
It is obvious to me that many have simply wasted their lives being 'in'. I am also surprised that we have so many who are still witnesses who are on this site, still functioning as a witness............... for families sake.
One problem I have with any level of discussion is that it takes me too long to collect my thoughts and respond to a discussion. Too often I find myself the last one to post. Or I get caught up in a debate and fail to note that everyone has moved on......hello is anyone still reading this? Hello...................?
Subjects I like the least are Drunken rants about anything......don't drink/use pills and post. Mean spirited political debates especially mind numbing bullshit about Obama like birther crap etc.
We also have people who have posted for a decade and racked up thousands of posts who do not deserve their reputations......mean spirited or sound like the village idiot with their petty debates.
The 'Belivers' ,who have made up their own religions and love to cherry pick scripture are as lame as the JW's. It is obvious that they have arranged their beliefs to fit there comfort level.
The good stuff: Well thankfully there's plenty of that. I have been amazed at the number of wonderful discussion's, the kind that warm the heart and feed the mind. How many of these people I'd love to meet on a social basis.
The amount of research I've done to find answers to so many basic questions or concepts........... how like a tree the research becomes with one branch leading to another.
In general how much is shared, how open people can be, how much love, respect and consideration there is.
And of course how silly so many topics are. How intentionally funny some of the comments are....... For the most part it's all good.