Watchtower Growth by CONTINENT and other Statistical Gems

by jwfacts 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ABibleStudent
    jwfacts - . . . Growth is occurring, and will continue to occur, in poor areas, adding to the Watchtower’s growing financial difficulties. . . .

    Thanks for the graphs jwfacts. If the WTBTS was a business it should be bankrupt in a few years. Another reason why congregations may be increasing in size is that the WTBTS may be transitioning into a property holding company. As donations decrease, new sources of income will need to be found. A simple way to generate cash flow is to sell KH's and combine congregations in high density urban areas where property values are higher.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Gayle

    Interesting in Japan, the tsunami did not scare any increaseto JWs and baptisms decreased by 13%.

  • jwfacts

    The first graph highlights that religion is very much the product of the country in which one is born. It is a good segue into the following table.

  • Gayle

    I know most "Bible Studies" don't get baptized ever and JW kids may be "Publishers" many years before getting baptized. But this is interesting. Worldwide: Bible Studies Baptized 2007 6,561,426 298,304 4.5% 2008 7,133,760 289,678 4.1% 2009 7,619,270 276,233 3.6% 2010 8,058,359 294,368 3.7% 2011 8,490,746 263,131 3.1% ****************************************************** U.S.: 2007 546,631 37,243 6.8% 2008 603,313 35,597 5.9% 2009 657,544 34,739 5.3% 2010 683,090 35,120 5.1% 2011 714,151 32,953 4.6%

  • jwfacts

    Thanks Gayle. That could be interesting to graph over a longer period, as there seems to be a falling trend over the 5 periods. I wonder why the US has a higher rate of BS's baptised.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Using Gayle's numbers, it could be argued that the country that possibly has the highest internet saturation has a better conversion rate than the rest of the world.

    If that is correct, then those optimists who think that Google is going to be the downfall of the WT had better get off their butts and find ways to unwitness their relatives.

  • tenyearsafter

    I love the flow chart JWFacts! My friends and I have had a good chuckle...especially the "do you think that underwear can be magical?" filter!

  • jwfacts

    Black Sheep, don't fret. The US doesn't have the highest internet penetration, it is only 78%, putting it at about 22 on the list. NZ beats it with 84% and sits at position 11. The European countries have the highest penetration and the lowest growth. Also, Gayle's figures only look at what percent of studies convert, not what percent of the population study with witnesses. The US has low growth (only 1.9% in 2011 when corrected), and less people are studying than in the past.

  • DonutZ!

    That flowchart made my day!

  • Gayle

    Sure didn't want to discourage anyone with that stat. I guess I was just encouraged that the baptisms are decreasing and the percentage of B.S. getting baptized is decreasing.

    Maybe the reason for 1.5/100 (not that big of a difference, really) more of B.S. getting baptized in U.S. are more gullible, desparate, naive than other parts. Too many Americans don't think there could be a cult problem in the country. Religions in this country are allowed too much rights and that why the WTS was able to start here. Now, the ones baptized are mostly JW kids getting baptized, not very many others. One news article spoke of a 9 yrs old recently getting baptized. Ugh.

    Perhaps, in other countries they just want a Bible Study, but then realize in time that the religion is just too much, unhelpful, burdensome and unrealistic for them and is a U.S. religion and decide to be leery.

    Anyway, I think the baptisms decreasing means more than any increasing of anything in JW world.


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