Watchtower Growth by CONTINENT and other Statistical Gems

by jwfacts 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jwfacts

    You are correct, they had a drop during the late 1990's. In 2011 it has risen to 64,498, an extra 3806 in the last 5 years, spurred on by the GFC and fear mongering of the last 3 years. I can't imagine that growth lasting for long though.

  • WTWizard

    This highlights that the witlesses are wasting a lot of time with outdated methods of getting people into the cancer. If they are in fact putting in more field circus now than even the pre-1975 period and getting piddling results for it, something is wrong. And if they are having such trouble keeping people in the cancer, they are probably driving them out--they are not going from being strong-in to being out simply by going online. They do more damage with their own rules and littera-trash than the apostates do online.

    Also notable is that there are fewer witlesses in places like Australia, New Zealand, and Japan now than there were 20 years ago. Most of those countries are experiencing negative growth. The Americas, particularly places like Brazil and Mexico, have had national-disaster level growths in the past 20 years--and now it's Nigeria's turn to experience this national disaster. This disaster is past in Japan, and Oceania (which consists of Australia, New Zealand, and the Polynesian islands) is also showing nice declines. I hope it continues.

    However, in the United Tyranny of Stupidity, there is one problem ahead. As the economy implodes, people are harder-up and thus more open to scams. Even with the Internet, too many people fall for scams--including the witlesses, because they are too damn lazy to type into their search engine and look past the first result that comes up. And, if SOPA passes (and it will, given enough time and that the Establishment is looking to squash alternative news and entertainment), it will take away that tool so even those who wish to research things cannot. Then, with the combination of people desperate for relief and no Internet, we could be right back to the National Disaster level of growth we suffered with in the late 1980s. That is, unless mass human enslavement of a secular sort prevents it.

  • steve2
    However, in the United Tyranny of Stupidity, there is one problem ahead. As the economy implodes, people are harder-up and thus more open to scams.

    Another factor is the greater appeal of the JWs message to recent immigrants to the States. I understand that in some parts of the USA, Spanish speaking congregations are bulging, whereas English ones have comparatively poor attendances.

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