let them eat cake

by Glander 58 Replies latest social current

  • botchtowersociety

    I agree with Newchapter. Let's look at the big picture. The Obamas' spending sprees are a drop in the bucket compared to the deluge of debt Barack is subjecting the country to. It's just insult added to injury, that's all.

  • DaCheech

    life must be tough for Maldark (level up) from making all those Disney show appearences.

    she could have at least kept the $$$ in the US economy by taking all her vacations in the states

  • designs

    What we're now recommending Camping in a Tent, let us harken back to the days of yore and Teddy Roosevelt

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    The problem is that nearly all politicians are wealthy and therefore accustomed to vacations that 99% of us could never afford. When one becomes president, regardless of party affiliation, he expects to continue living a wealthy lifestyle. Security demands that the POTUS not travel commercial economy class, or stay in the Motel 6. Everyone, regardless of job, deserves a vacation - I know that not everyone actually gets a vacation but that doesn't mean no one should get one. So, there is no way for a politician to take any sort of vacation without pissing someone off. It also seems there is no way for a politician to travel for legitimate business purposes without pissing people off.

  • designs

    How much, in today's Dollars, did it cost us to send Ronald and Nancy back to their California Ranch several times a year so he could chop wood for a good photo op..

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Think about this as well, when I have to travel for work I am given a flat per mile allowance and a flat per day meal allowance. It is my choice whether to drive a car that gets 40 miles per gallon or one that gets 10 miles per gallon. So, if I choose to drive an economical car and eat cheaply, should I refuse to accept the standard reimbusement amounts? Should a politician refuse to accept government paid travel if there is any element of personal pleasure involved? Should a politician be required to pay out of pocket for all personal travel even though the required security makes the trip vastly more expensive than it would be for a regular person? What exactly do people expect from politicians - no vacations at all while in office? I don't think that politicians (or any government employee) should have carte blanche to use government resources for personal gain or personal pleasure, but the pendulum can swing too far in the other direction as well. Reasonableness and sensibleness should be the standard - not some pie in the sky level of perfection that no human can attain.

  • N.drew

    I want cake. Chocolate. No, chocolate is being farmed by babies.

  • Glander

    So the best defence offered for Imelda Michelle, is to say "What do you want, the first family taking a taxi to go tent camping?"

    Come on, such a lame response. The Obamas have gobbled Presidential perks way beyond any of their predecessors during a period of extreme economic hardship not only this country but the world. Obama also has appointed more Wall Street robber barons in his administration than any Pres in history. He is a two-faced, lying hypocrit.

  • designs

    Oh so Mittster is going to pay for his own vacations if he gets to the Oval Office I see, just like Bush and Cheney did

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    There is no proof the Obamas have used more perks than anyone else. He is president wherever he goes. His security is endangered. His wife and children are subject to kidnapping. I;m not even thinking Al Qaeda. Think of all our home grown violent nuts.

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