let them eat cake

by Glander 58 Replies latest social current

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    The Danish royal family travel on commercial airplanes in Denmark just like everybody else.

    That may be true, but I'm not excited about the prospect of having the POTUS on my next flight to Disney World. I'd rather be on a plane full of no-name folks not attracting any attention.

    High unemployment.

    Stagnating economy.

    15 trillion of debt our children will have to pay (we just passed 100% GDP with no end in sight.)

    You do realize that the economy started tanking before he even took office?

  • botchtowersociety
    You do realize that the economy started tanking before he even took office?

    Lots of Presidents have come into office with recessions brewing. Clinton. Bush. Reagan. Kennedy.

    It's been over 3 years now..and, incidentally, government spending is higher than it has been at any time since WWII. Obama's budget proposals, which he directly controls, have done nothing to slow the spending down. Quite to the contrary, and he demonizes anyone that suggests it might be a good idea to slam the brakes.

  • NewChapter

    The Danish royal family travel on commercial airplanes in Denmark just like everybody else. Just sayin.

    Well then I'm not sure what was being said. I personally don't want to fly around in a target. Keep him in a military plane that is prepared. If we can't respect the person, we can respect the office.

  • DaCheech

    I don't have anything to say about the security or Airforce 1.

    I do have a problem with doubling expenses.

    I do have a problem (if) the american taxpayer is paying for the super luxury hotels (they have plenty of $$$ of their own)

  • Bangalore

    Just FYI Former President Bush is protected by 103 Secret Service Agents. Even though he is no longer a sitting President.



  • designs

    Where o where is the outrage over the President taking the First Lady out to dinner for her Birthday.

  • Glander

    All ex-presidents and their families are protected by the Secret Service, as they should be. What has that got to do with this thread?

    So you are unaware that Michelle Obama has been extreme in her orgy of indulgence in personal pleasure on the publics credit card during this national economic crises?

    The similarities between her self indulgence and that of the notorious Imelda Marcos are plain to see.

  • NewChapter

    Where o where is the outrage over the President taking the First Lady out to dinner for her Birthday.

    What a putz! He probably buys the expensive candle's for his daughters' birthday cakes too. You know, not the kind that regular folk use, simple little tapers. But the blocky number shaped ones. Will orgy ever cease?

  • botchtowersociety
    All ex-presidents and their families are protected by the Secret Service, as they should be. What has that got to do with this thread?

    Obfuscation. Muddy the water. That's what.


    More in the post above mine.

  • Glander

    Reveals the depth of their argument in defense of their bobble head idols, doesn't it, Botch?

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