let them eat cake

by Glander 58 Replies latest social current

  • Glander

    Earth to designs and Band....earth to designs and Band....getchahedsoutchass...

  • designs

    lol Capt'n Cosmos here

  • NewChapter

    BOTR--that's the part that kind of baffles me. They seem to even resent that we protect the first family. They resent the security.

    So we sit around bickering about this bullsh*t---and in the meantime we've got NDAA that barrelled right through. Yeah--we're all a bunch of schmucks.


  • Glander

    This isn't about Security and you know it.

  • NewChapter

    This isn't about Security and you know it

    Oh, sorry. Made the mistake of reading it.

    Thank you also for the use of Air Force Two
    And the 70 Secret Service personnel who tagged
    Along to be sure we were safe and cared for at all times.

    Air Force Two (which costs $11,351 per hour to operate
    According to Government Accounting Office reports)
    Only used 47,500 gallons of jet fuel for this trip
    And carbon emissions were a mere 1,031 tons of CO2.

  • botchtowersociety
    Oh, sorry. Made the mistake of reading it.

    NewChapter: Michelle Obama takes Air Force 2 and ties down an additional 70 secret service agents, as well as costing the taxpayer hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional expenses like jet fuel. She has done this several times, when she could have flown on Air Force 1 with Barack when going on vacation with him. She often flies seperately. This isn't about security, and now you know it.


    Michelle’s Separate Travel Costs Taxpayers Thousands

    by KEITH KOFFLER on AUGUST 19, 2011, 10:26 AM

    Michelle Obama and President Obama traveled to Martha’s Vineyard just hours apart, costing taxpayers thousands in additional expenses so she could have just a bit of extra vacation time.

    Mrs. Obama and her daughters arrived just before 2 pm Thursday on a U.S. government jet, according to the Martha’s Vineyard Times, which got its information from the local airport. The first lady’s office has been silent on her travel. President Obama arrived in the evening along with the family dog Bo.

    The extra costs related to Mrs. Obama’s solo trip mainly include the flight on a specially designed military aircraft she took instead of Air Force One, as well as any extra staff and Secret Service that had to be enlisted to go with her. She would also have had her own motorcade from the airport to her vacation residence.

    Mrs. Obama’s separate jet travel sends the wrong message on a host of issues, from global warming to the budget deficit to the economy – in which currently so many people can’t afford to take a vacation at all.

    This is not the first time Michelle has gone on vacation ahead of the president on the taxpayers’ tab. Last December, she racked up what was likely more than $100,000 in expenses leaving early for their Hawaii vacation.

  • botchtowersociety

    And this doesn't even mention the cost of a return trip for an additional airplane.

  • NewChapter

    BTS---if you had your way---how would you like her to travel. What would provide security for the first family? Should she travel first class on a commercial airline? How many SS agents is acceptable? Would her presence endanger the other passengers? Have other First Ladies have done the same thing? Did you resent it? Does it really matter? Are we resentful that Barak has family in Hawaii? Would it have been more acceptable for her to go to--say---Texas? What kind of house would you have her stay in? How would your choice look to the world? I'm just asking, because as extravagant as this all sounds, it also sounds reasonable to me. They are who they are---we have to protect them---and we have an image to project to the world.


  • botchtowersociety

    And Air Force 2 isn't a Cessna, either.

  • botchtowersociety

    NewChapter, why can't she ride in AF1 when she goes on vacation with her husband? There isn't enough room? She can't wait a few hours? Does it damage the image we have to project to the world? Why does doing so sound reasonable to you? Would you feel the same way if Mrs. Romney did that next term?

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