let them eat cake
by Glander 58 Replies latest social current
Oboker the joker! ROTFLMAO !
Quotes of Imelda Marcos
Doesn't the fight for survival also justify swindle and theft? In self defence, anything goes.
Imelda Marcos
Filipinos want beauty. I have to look beautiful so that the poor Filipinos will have a star to look at from their slums.
Imelda Marcos
God is love. I have loved. Therefore, I will go to heaven.
Imelda Marcos
I am First Lady by accident. I was not elected by the people but here I am.
Imelda Marcos
I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty.
Imelda Marcos
I get so tired listening to one million dollars here, one million dollars there, it's so petty.
Imelda Marcos
I hate ugliness. You know I'm allergic to ugliness.
Imelda Marcos
I have a different way of thinking. I think synergistically. I'm not linear in thinking, I'm not very logical.
Imelda Marcos
I have never been a material girl. My father always told me never to love anything that cannot love you back.
Imelda Marcos
I was no Marie Antoinette. I was not born to nobility, but I had a human right to nobility.
Imelda Marcos
If you know how much you've got, you probably haven't got much.
Imelda Marcos
If you know how rich you are, you are not rich. But me, I am not aware of the extent of my wealth. That's how rich we are.
Imelda Marcos
It's the rich you can terrorize. The poor have nothing to lose.
Imelda Marcos
Life is not a matter of place, things or comfort; rather, it concerns the basic human rights of family, country, justice and human dignity.
Imelda Marcos
My dreams have become puny with the reality my life has become.
Imelda Marcos
My husband does not like me to give interviews because I say too much. No talk, no trouble.
Imelda Marcos
Never dress down for the poor. They won't respect you for it. They want their First Lady to look like a million dollars.
Imelda Marcos
People say I'm extravagant because I want to be surrounded by beauty. But tell me, who wants to be surrounded by garbage?
Imelda Marcos
The problems with First Ladies is that you have to set the standard. My role is to be both star and slave.
Imelda Marcos 1 - 2 -
"I Kind Of Like" Being Called "Your Excellency"
Michelle Obama: "Practical" To Put Myself Highest On My Priority List
On a $4M Vacation, Michelle Seeks $3 From Backers
Speaking from her paradisical $4 million Hawaii vacation , Mrs. Obama wants to know: Do any of President Obama’s supporters have $3 to spare for his reelection?
This is approximately like coming upon Warren Buffett on a street corner with a McDonald’s cup asking if he can have 15 cents.
Michelle’s request was part of an email sent to the Obama 2012 list today.
Over the next 11 months we’ve got an organization to grow, voters to register, and people to get fired up.
I hope you’ll close out this year by donating $3 or more now to help make sure we’re ready for the next one . . .
Thank you so much, and happy new year,
The obscene juxtaposition of the first lady on a $4 million vacation while asking what would have to be middle to low income earners for three bucks – who else would they be targeting with such an appeal? – is yet another example of lack of perspective the Obamas seem to be gaining while in power.
Mrs. Obama takes extravagant vacations to Spain and southern Africa. The president golfs obsessively and is currently dining at Honolulu’s ritziest restaurants. All while asking their fellow Americans to “sacrifice” during this time ofnot plenty.
And they blow $4 million – mostly taxpayers’ money – on a vacation, while wondering if the small people can come up with $3.
What about renting a beach house next year at the Jersey shore? I mean, if we’re all going to sacrifice.
Michelle Obama has Bo envy
Who needs the perks of being first lady when you can be pampered like the first pooch? That was Michelle Obama’s thinking when she told Barbara Walters that she’d like to come back as Bo the dog .
let them eat cake
Mrs. Obama: Let Them Eat Steak—And Arugula
Visiting an organic farm in Hawaii on Saturday, First Lady Michelle Obama said that “arugula and steak” was her “favorite” meal and expressed her view that American children need to “get their palates adjusted” so they will begin eating properly.
We should have Nancy give back the dishes.
I don't know --> due to economy scares I'm taking weekend only vacations (and I have a couple of hundred k's in the bank).
the whole united states is o budget.
city taxes are so high, that people don't have money to even fix their cars................. and obama's example?
it's OK, he's gonna show the poster child this weekend on the state of the union address (the homeless girl that won the contest)!
looking at her example is gonna fix everything!