The ultimate test of the Bible as the 'divine' gift of the living God to mankind comes down
to this challenge.
What one thing (if one can even be found) which is testable and provable, was written in Scripture which could not have been written by any mind other than the mind of God?
Is there one piece of knowledge no man could have known?
Now some might say: Prophecy! But, a prophetic pronouncement made after the fact is not really prophecy, is it? The Book of Daniel is suspiciously late making its way into print.
The references to the fall of Jerusalem too cannot escape the likelihood of being post-destruction rather than Pre.
All in all, it is the exasperating contortions of apologists turning thin air into substance which has maintained for the evangelical Fundamentalists of the world, an illusion of numinous transcendence for the Bible.
The Bible had little importance for Christianity until the Protestant Reformation. The authority of the Pope had to be replaced by an inerrant guide of some sort.
Thanks to Martin Luther, the theory of SOLA SCRIPTURA replaced Magisterium of Catholicism.
The theory was this, a devout and pious seeker-after-Truth only needed a Bible and prayer for Holy Spirit to guide him to perfect understanding of God's will.
What has transpired in the practical test of Sola Scriptura since the 16th Century?
40+ thousand Denominations of Christianity!
That's like 2+2= 40,000 different answers!

Sola scriptura was one of the main theological beliefs that Martin Luther proclaimed against the Catholic Church during the
Protestant Reformation.
The work of textual criticism, archeology, paleontologists, and modern science have put to rest the claims made for inerrancy, except for the most radically disposed apologists of today. The defense made by Fundamentalists for the integrity of the Bible is couched in rather carefully parsed terms:
Biblical inerrancy, as formulated in the "Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy", is the doctrine that
the Bible "is without error or fault in all its teaching";[1] or, at least, that "Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact". ______________________
However, there exists NO ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT at all to prove this assertion!