LOL. Thanks EP. I don't even think I can follow half this thread! How irritating. So what I post may whirl past the topic, but that never stopped me before.
The idea that atheists consider believers their enemy, is for the most part, just silly. This is a forum. We share our ideas here. We state them strongly and without apology, and often without our usual tact. I do not consider religious people my enemy---although I have been on the receiving end of a great deal of hostility, not all believers are hostile toward me.
In my real life, I hold back these opinions quite often. Not out of fear or insecurity, but just out of consideration. I have a friend that lives far away from me. She has no social network at all, but is a Christian. I have done a great deal to help her find a church and find some peace. While she knows I don't believe in the bible, she still appreciates that I can't point her to scriptures and ideas that bring HER peace. I want her to make friends at Church, because I know that this is the context that is most effective for her.
Would I like to free her of the guilt, weight, and fear that her belief piles on her? Yes I would. But she believes---therefore I can only help her find ways in her own worldview to deal with them.
This is not enemy behavior.