i am a regular pioneer in my cong reading crisis of conscience.here goes...

by MsGrowingGirl20 206 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eiben Scrood
    Eiben Scrood

    MsGrowingGirl20 - it's a long process. It is shocking at first and hard to believe but gradually the mystique around the religion will lessen.

    You might want to check out the site e-watchman.com because its owner still believes JWs have the true religion but it's fraught with errors. He believes the entire 1914-1919 prophetical structure that the religion is based on is a complete lie from Satan and that the organization is going to be cleansed in the near future. He acknowledges the sins of the organization such as joining the UN for 10 years but thinks Jehovah will punish it and then accept it back.

  • InterestedOne

    MsGrowingGirl20 - I think many of those who remain see it kind of like this: Although they realize the WT/JW's are not god's organization, they do not believe any other organization is god's organization either. Since they don't see any point in rocking the boat with family and friends, who may not be ready to handle the truth, they stick around so they can at least talk with their loved ones.

    Regarding their personal beliefs about the existence or nature of god, history of religion, etc., plenty of people who remain just privately study these topics and are in the process of learning, as any healthy person is. They are no longer locked into having to believe the exact theological position espoused by the GB/WT. They are mentally free to examine the topic however they wish. Unfortunately, they just can't talk about it with their JW loved ones for fear of being shunned.

  • stuckinamovement

    Hang in there MsGrowing girl. You are at the same point as my wife. It is hard to come to the realization that the Society is simply another man made organization that has used the scriptures to further its own means. You might have sleepless nights and be very confused for a period of months.

    One thing that I have heard a lot recently is the question: "Doesn't the quality of people within the organization prove that this is God's Organization? The are many Brothers and sisters who have made incredible changes in their lives." My response is that these type of people have made changes in their lives not because of an organization but because of their desire to please god. There is no connection to the organization in the changes they made. It is simply because they chose to follow Bible principles, which interestingly is not exclusive to Witnesses. There are Mormons, Catholics, Hindus, and even Athiests who live good lives closely in line with the morals of the Bible wheteher they follow the Bible or not.

    Anyway, take care. it is a lot to absorb all at once


  • not bitter
    not bitter


    Its good to have you here. Take things slowly. Its quite hard to do that on this forum.

    You asked if some of us are bitter. Well I wasn't when I joined this site, then I became bitter after what I found out but I've worked through it and now I'm a very happy person.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    It's a journey. And some of it will be painful. (like accepting the fact you will grow old and die!)

    Putting it bluntly for you: You are asking the wrong questions (sorry)...they may very well appear to you to be the right questions at THIS moment in time, but believe me when I say that you will look back on them in a year or two and see clearly that they were not the right questions at all.

    Have a read of this thread to see the journeys some of us have taken and why:


    Reasearch of the honest and meaningful variety (i.e truth is truth wherever you find it) ...can be VERY eye opening indeed!!

  • jws

    Have u become bitter? I don't really think so. My past was my past. I had a good family, even if they were JW, and I had some good JW friends and I don't regret many of those JW days. On the other hand, you may end up strongly disliking the JW organization because of the atrocities they have created, including changes on medical procedures. I'm not a doctor and I don't know exactly why my mother died after an operation in her 50's, but I do wonder whether the non-blood surgery had something to do with it. Would the newer blood rules have saved her life? I hate the control and stress they inflict upon people. And I would love to see the religion collapse. Otherwise, my life is happy. Much happier than I was as a JW. It's the freedom.

    Do you all still believe in God? Many do, many don't. Like the above poster, I opened myself to testing other things I long held to be true based on faith and they didn't hold up. There may be a God. What I do know is the Bible contains contradictions, stories to be compared to mythology (creation, flood, Jonah), and if the God described in the Bible is real, he's by no means perfect. The Bible, like the JW religion is man-made and imperfect. It was not "dictated" by God Himself or it would sync with science, history, and itself.

    How do you worship him, if at all? When I left, I attempted self Bible study and Bible study with a member of another church. My belief at the time, after getting confused with all the differing viewpoints was that there's a general "be good" theme. Believe in God and be good. Isn't that basically what the ancients in the Bible did? The Father and the Son may be seperate or equal. Maybe we worship Jesus now because he's our King. Maybe you can harness the Holy Spirit and heal, maybe you can't. Maybe there's a hell, maybe there's a heaven, maybe neither. Didn't matter. What it boiled down to was be good and respect God. If there is a reward, what good God would pass you by? And even though I no longer believe the Bible is divine and wonder whether or not there is a God, I still try to live my life by the principle of trying to be good to everyone, doing no harm. Essentially the same as the spirit of Jesus' command to "love thy neighbor".

    Have u found Jehovah's true followers if not witnesses? I think so many people are used to living as part of some religion. They want to follow something, be a part of a group. As a JW, I was taught the various reasons they were all false, so I didn't want to join any of them. If you are a believer, believe. The ancients didn't have churches. You don't need others to worship God.

    Do you feel at peace with God? I don't even know that there is a God. IF there is, I assume God is an intelligent being. I don't know that there is an afterlife or a ressurection to anything. If there is, I assume that by doing good, an intelligent, well-meaning being would recognize that and include me in a reward. I feel I'm doing a good job and I'm at peace.

    Are you happy? All of us have our joys and dissapointments with life. Leaving the JWs is not one of the dissapointments. I'm happy to be free of the control. To have the freedom to do what I want with nights and not have the pressure to serve, serve, serve an organization.

    Do u have any doubt that u made the right decision? I know the JWs are man-made. I made the right decision.

    If this is not the truth then why are some of u still 'fading'? why condone untruth? Would God be happy if this isn't the truth and yet u still atempt to condone and fade? When I left, I still had a father and two sisters (along with their families) still in the religion. After testing the waters with my father, I saw he was going to stay a staunch believer, but we still had a relationship provided I didn't argue against the JWs. IF there is a God, I don't believe he sees the followers of any religion to blame. Maybe the leaders for misleading, but not the followers. Like I say, my belief is that a God will see good no matter the religion. And even good JWs would be looked upon favorably. As would good Muslims, Hindus, Jews, etc. Even if they are promoting and practicing their religion.

  • jojojunfan


    You took a huge step just posting your feelings here. I had strong feelings for years about things not adding up, but who can you talk to? I just recently Finished COC and have been reading In search of Christian Freedom. I know it is mind blowing, Liberating and scary at the same time, just like many others have told you. If you look at my first post, which was just this week, I was very upset. I already feel so much better. And I bet you do as well, even though you are not sure exactly what you are doing yet. Make sure to check out Jwstruggle. I know you are not an Apostate, you love your creator and Christ Jesus or you would not be concerned over wrongs done in thier names. You are free to PM me as well. Our circumstances may be different, but the decicions we are going to have to make are the same. I know that you love people in your congregation as well, and you are afraid for them. Is there a secret war going on within the Organization, good vs evil, I dont know... but whatever the case may be Obey GOD as ruler rather than men... no man is infallible, and if they pretend to be so watch out. The apostle Paul said that we only have partial knowledge, but we have Christ Jesus example and our Power of Reason to help us see the truth. Remember that a little child can be taught the truth, there is no reason of endless changes and backtracking. This is only done when something is wrong, especially when past wrongs are not even admitted and apologies are never given. There should be no secrets kept between brothers and sisters, no secret books, no secret meetings. I also suggest reading Sheperding the Flock of God, the secret ELDERS manual. Stay strong and Pray. You are not alone.

    Your brother

  • jojojunfan

    Also, remember not to put faith in every word. Not on this site or any other. Be cautious and Shrewd, do not let your Emotions overcome your reason.

  • venetian

    Hi Msgrowinggirl and a really BIG welcome to you. I don't know you but I feel so PROUD of you for having the courage to post your concerns here.

    jojojunfan is reading In Search of Christian Freedom by Ray Franz and I suggest you read this next too. It'll answer many of the questions you're wrestling with or will give you the tools to research further.

    But please take it slow dear sister. You're on an emotional rollercoaster and the ride has only just started. xx

  • MsGrowingGirl20

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